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TZ's gamedev journal
383 entries
Trapper Zoid
October 22, 2007
Random Filler
Two points: Firstly, is it normal for a fully grown adult to feel regret about throwing away a box full of those cool polystyrene packing beads?

Secondly, for Dr. McNinja fans: a possible tie-in to 4E6?
Trapper Zoid
October 19, 2007
Economics was never my strongest subject
I noticed a week ago that the Australian dollar was fetching over ninety US cents a couple of weeks back, so I thought it was a good time to do some overseas shopping for myself and early presents for Christmas (factoring in delays in shipping time.)

I've since noticed that the exchange rate has sin…
Trapper Zoid
October 16, 2007
Poll Results: Which 4E6 element is the most challe
I have concluded the poll I was running over at trazoi.net on what people think is the most challenging element in 4E6. Since 4E6 is more directly relevent to the community over here, I think it best I post my extended analysis in this journal than the one I keep over on my own website.

The end resu…
Trapper Zoid
October 15, 2007
Week in Review: October 8 - 14 or so
I've been making somewhat regular posts over at trazoi.net, but I plan to be regularly posting summaries of the game related stuff over here. Here's my first such attempt to keep my journal from slipping off the radar.

I got my MacBook Pro back sans dead pixels, and am up and running once again. I a…
Trapper Zoid
October 07, 2007
Journal split
This may be the last tandem entry at both my GameDev.net journal and trazoi.net. I'm not going to be stopping either; I've just resubscribed for another year at GDNet and I'm keen on expanding my own site in the near future; but I think it's time to give each it's own flavour. Plus I'm getting sick…
Trapper Zoid
October 02, 2007
Macless for a week early 4E6 brainstorming
I delivered my MacBook Pro to the shop for repair today, so I'll be without my main development platform for this week. Actual Flash development will be hold, although I might spend some time designing ActionScript classes.

During the time I'm without my Mac, I'll spend a bit of time resurrecting so…
Trapper Zoid
October 01, 2007
Poll Results: Which player suit are you?
Results for the poll: Which player suit are you?

  • Diamonds (Achiever): 2 votes

  • Spades (Explorer): 6 votes

  • Hearts (Socialiser) 0 votes

  • Clubs (Killer) 1 votes

This was pretty much the result I expected. As of now I expect my main traffic comes from people at GameDev.net, and game developers are very much t…
Trapper Zoid
September 30, 2007
Next Flash game underway
The next game in ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University is a shooting game called "Air Raid", where you move a cannon from left to right to shoot down aircraft. However I've decided I'd prefer to branch out a little and make something else up vaguely in the same area. I settled on an old scho…
Trapper Zoid
September 28, 2007
Flash Game #2: Code Breaker
I've finally finished off my second Flash game - I figured I'd never stop tinkering with it unless I decided to just call it done.

Here's a link to Code Breaker, my second flash game

And here's a link to my trazoi.net entry for the game, for comments

Tell me what you think, so I can improve in my next…
Trapper Zoid
September 27, 2007
4E6 - First Impressions
Only one more weekday before the long weekend. Most people celebrate Labour Day by not doing any work, but I'll use some of the extra time to make some general improvements to the website. I'll also be continuing with learning Flash game development. I've got my next game almost finished - the core…
Trapper Zoid
September 25, 2007
Tile Match - My First Flash Game
I got a bit caught up in polishing up the game, but I've finally finished my first Flash game.

Head over to trazoi.net for the details and the link to the page for the game. Feedback will be very appreciated!
Trapper Zoid
September 24, 2007
4e6, soon
After a fair delay it looks like the Four Elements contest will be underway very shortly - dates listed and everything. I always like GameDev.net during the first few months of a Four Elements contest; everyone in the journals bounces around ideas and gets cracking on development. Usually things st…
Trapper Zoid
September 24, 2007
Taking my first steps in Flash game development
I know this is just after my poll result post, but since I'm using WordPress now it makes better sense to split unrelated topics off into their own posts. I get email notications on every reply, so it's not as if someone's useful comment will get lost along the way.

I spent a chunk of the weekend wo…
Trapper Zoid
September 23, 2007
Poll Results: Cake or Pie?
Since I'm mirroring entries over at trazoi.net, I'm balancing things by reporting the end of my "cake or pie?" poll. New poll is: What player suit are you?

I'll be putting another standard post up later today.
Trapper Zoid
September 21, 2007
Today I've unexpectedly received the copy of Gary Rosenzweig's ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University I had on order from Amazon. I wasn't expecting to receive this for another week or two. I've only had a chance to skim over the book this evening, but it looks like a very nice coverage of us…
Trapper Zoid
September 17, 2007
Springing Into ActionScript
My fingers on my left hand are now semi-operational. I can curl my middle finger about half way, enough to wrap it around large objects, but not enough to make a clenched fist. I can also write legibly now if I don't put too much pressure on the pencil and I use large letters. It's not healed enoug…
Trapper Zoid
September 14, 2007
Inadvertently Giving You The Finger
I'm up to nine workable digits again. My finger doesn't seem to be badly injured, but the joints have swollen up as it heals. I no longer need to splint it to my ring finger, but the swelling means I can't flex the finger for a while. With my middle finger stuck in an extended position it makes it …
Trapper Zoid
September 13, 2007
Number of injuries for the week: 3
In which the number of my usable digits is temporarily decreased to eight

The good news: My knee appears to have mostly healed, only getting light twinges now and then.

The bad news: I tripped on something in my home study area while trying to access a bookcase, twisting around and falling back-firs…
Trapper Zoid
September 11, 2007
Jorge Cham's Australian tour
I'm just back from a presentation by Jorge Cham, the creator of the graduate school themed webcomic Piled Higher and Deeper, who is currently on his Australian tour. I clean forgot that he was talking today, and was kicking myself for not claiming a seat ticket, but luckily there were a few spares.…
Trapper Zoid
September 10, 2007
If Music Be the Food of Procrastination...
In which I use the Internet and GarageBand as half-hearted excuses on my slow progress in learning Adobe products

I bought a new toy yesterday - an M-Audio KeyStation 49e, a USB MIDI keyboard (the kind you play music on, not the kind you type with). I already have a fairly full featured 76 key Casio…
Trapper Zoid
September 07, 2007
Poll Results: MAGIC game dev contest: Whats more i
The final poll results for what is more important for the MAGIC game dev contest:

  • Holding another as soon as possible: 2 votes
  • Improving the contest: 3 votes
  • Waiting for 4E6: 4 votes
  • What's the MAGIC contest?: 2 votes

Waiting for the Four Elements contest is the winner, but it's pretty darn close with i…
Trapper Zoid
August 31, 2007
Flash! Aaa-aah
This week, apart from being unable to a particular Queen song out of my head (He'll save ev'ry one of us!), I've been slowly acquainting myself to the basic tools of Illustrator and Flash. I'm still at the absolute basics, working through a few online tutorials.

After some consideration I've decided…
Trapper Zoid
August 25, 2007
Window Shopping
I've decided it's probably best to find good books for both Illustrator and Flash, since I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by them at the moment. My Inkscape drawing technique doesn't seem to port to Illustrator very well at all. My usual strategy of drawing a rough sketch version then overlaying it wi…
Trapper Zoid
August 24, 2007
Life, Adobe and MAGIC
A grab bag of topics in this post. A few unfortunate things that have set me back a bit this week, my first (brief) look at Adobe Illustrator, and the MAGIC contest.

The entire post on Life, Adobe and MAGIC, over at trazoi.net
Trapper Zoid
August 20, 2007
New Toys
Sorry about not posting in a while. I've been both busy and away visiting family in Melbourne, so I've been a bit slack on all fronts. I did though get a little bit of game programming done on my laptop while away, but nothing much to write home about; I've dismantled my current game system and I'm…
Trapper Zoid
August 11, 2007
Rethinking the rendering code
Due to the category system in WordPress I'm trying to keep to one topic per post. It's time for a software design related post.

During the week I have been spending some time doing some preliminary work for Ice Slider. To start with, I have taken the current code base and attempted to emulate some o…
Trapper Zoid
August 10, 2007
Going software shopping
Progress has been a bit slow, I'm afraid. This week was a bit of a wash-out; I fell in a bit of a heap. I may be a day late on my weekly header image drawing practice, since I'm still thrashing out the preliminary sketches without much success.

After considering some of the comments I've had on foru…
Trapper Zoid
August 05, 2007
Diagonal Game Library and Ice Slider
New post over at my journal at trazoi.net:

Quote: While I need to put in some more changes to the website (and think of a new poll too), it's about time to start posting about my hobby projects, since that is the whole point of trazoi.net.

As you've probably guessed from the site my main hobby is gam…
Trapper Zoid
August 03, 2007
New Header
New journal header is up. I've broken away from the Nintendo game mould this week. One quirk of this particular game choice is that I haven't actually played the seventh of the Final Fantasy series, but I thought Cloud was probably the most recognisable protagonist with that hair that could take so…
Trapper Zoid
July 29, 2007
Downloadable Games at trazoi.net
I've added a downloadable games page over at trazoi.net, where you can get copies of Brixtar and Pierre and the Fish. I've also made a journal post over there about it too.

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