Journal split

Published October 07, 2007
This may be the last tandem entry at both my journal and I'm not going to be stopping either; I've just resubscribed for another year at GDNet and I'm keen on expanding my own site in the near future; but I think it's time to give each it's own flavour. Plus I'm getting sick of having to cut and paste everything.

For now I'll start dedicating the GDNet journal towards GDNet related topics, such as contests (Four Elements, MAGIC, etc.) and anything I feel specifically relevant to the community there. I'll also post regular summaries of what I'm up to from a game development perspective, but at a lower frequency than at my own site at I can then start branching out towards other topics less related to game development if I wish.

I also need to spend some time into jazzing up this site at, since it's been languishing for a while. I'm a bit sick of the brown CSS theme, and there's a few more widgets I want to try out in the sidebar. I also need to clean up the games section and add a few articles in here.

On the game development front, I've been spinning my wheels for a bit, sadly. Without my MacBook Pro I tried spending a bit of time sketching out on paper where I need to go with Flash development but I didn't really get to any useful conclusions.

I spend most of my useful time playing around with Inkscape again, this time with my new larger Intuous tablet. I'd forgotten how much I like it. I'm not sure exactly why it is, but working with vectors in Inkscape seems a lot more intuitive to me than with Illustrator. It might just be my lack of familiarity with Illustrator, but my present attempts to work with it have been a bundle of frustration. I suspect the interface has something to do with this though, as I haven't felt the same way with my attempts to draw things in Flash.

I suspect even once I've gone up to speed with Illustrator I'll still be using Inkscape as a development tool alongside it. The main downside to Inkscape at the moment is the Mac OS X port doesn't run as nicely under X11 than the Windows version which is native. I think there's an attempt to port Inkscape across to native Mac OS X, so I'll check what they're up to once I get my laptop back.
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Youch. While I admire your willingness to deal with managing two journals (that are semi-related), it's certainly a time-consuming task. I plan on letting my GD.NET+ subscription drop when it expires at the end of this month, despite the hit to my traffic that it will surely make. I'll be sure to make an effort to still keep up with everyone's (including your) journal on here thereafter, however. Best of luck! [smile]
October 07, 2007 09:42 PM
Trapper Zoid
I don't think it'll cost me a lot of time. I'm mainly going to be focusing on, because I find WordPress is a lot more conductive to making regular posts (mainly because of the emailing system whenever anyone comments; I don't have to worry about content getting buried). I'll post semi-regular "review" posts here that I won't bother duplicating over at Review posts are nice because it helps you gather your thoughts about what you've actually achieved over a period of time, and it should be good for the regular journal hounds here to read a concise version of my progress rather than digging through the history.

I'm also wanting to separate out the content from my journal a little bit, so it's not just my " journal #2". It's fine for now, but when there's more people visiting who haven't come from a background things might get a bit confusing.

I'm still going to view all the journals here, and of course your journal too; it's on my RSS feed, so I know whenever you post something (even if I don't reply, sometimes I don't have anything to say!).
October 07, 2007 10:32 PM
Lemme know when you're available for a little art. I wanna put together a prototype of something.
October 08, 2007 07:48 AM
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