4E6 - First Impressions

Published September 27, 2007
Only one more weekday before the long weekend. Most people celebrate Labour Day by not doing any work, but I'll use some of the extra time to make some general improvements to the website. I'll also be continuing with learning Flash game development. I've got my next game almost finished - the core gameplay is done, I just need to put the finishing touches on the graphics and the sound effects. I'll probably have that up later today, and I can start work on another game on the weekend.

For those of you interested at the happening at GameDev.net, the Four Elements VI contest is underway. The elements this year are very... random. "Ponies", "Accountants", "Crystals", and "Explosions". The general impressions I'm getting from the forum is that the element choices are very polarising; some really love them, whereas others are turned away.

Read the rest of this over at trazoi.net
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