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TZ's gamedev journal
383 entries
Trapper Zoid
June 07, 2007
Over 50,000 views!
Huzzah for another journal view milestone passed with 50,000 views. I guess this means my journal is in the Silver Club or something.

The MAGIC contest seems to be going well, although I'm saddened by the news of Prozak's mother.

From what I see the games are starting to shape forth, although it's ha…
Trapper Zoid
June 04, 2007
MAGIC - End of Day 2
You know you might be a game programmer if when you're ill your idea of "bed rest" involves a laptop and a programming IDE. I wasn't able to get a lot done but I've got the basis app running with some mountains to make a background. I'm feeling a lot better this morning so I hope I'll be able to ma…
Trapper Zoid
June 03, 2007
MAGIC - Day 2
It's now well into day 2 of the MAGIC contest, and I've hit a fairly big snag for my own game; it seems I've caught some kind of viral bug (which might explain why I was so off colour yesterday). It doesn't seem that serious as the only symptoms I can feel is a reaccuring sense of giddiness, tiredn…
Trapper Zoid
June 03, 2007
Not much progress later...
I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of activity going on at the MAGIC Game Development wiki; there's a lot of posting and comments and great ideas being formed there. I've decided to also add my name to list of developers on there, even though I'm not officially a "contestant". My user talk pa…
Trapper Zoid
June 02, 2007
MAGIC contest - The Tower
If you're interested in joining the MAGIC contest you probably already know what the mystery aspect is. For those who haven't moseyed on down to the contest thread in the lounge, the secret theme is The Tower. That's the kind of contest themes you dream up when you use a pack of Tarot cards for ins…
Trapper Zoid
June 02, 2007
Brixtar v0.2

Download Brixtar v0.2 for Windows (732 KB)
Download Brixtar v0.2 for Mac OS X (1.78 MB)

I've got the next version of Brixtar ready. In terms of raw gameplay features it's pretty much the same as the original, except for the following additions:
  • Mac OS X support. Brixtar is now multi-platform. My broth…
Trapper Zoid
June 01, 2007
Find the Lady

Poll's now over. The left card wins the popular vote!
Trapper Zoid
May 31, 2007
Brixtar Updates
I commented in a thread recently that the book selection algorithm in the Control Panel must be trying to send me a not-too-subtle message by regularly selecting "Game Programming for Teens" as its top pick. After posting that, it has now upgraded to offering me "Unreal Tournament Game Programming …
Trapper Zoid
May 29, 2007
Week of Improvements Ahead
I spent yesterday doing a whole bunch of things that weren't working on Brixtar. I needed a bit of a break to do important things, like realise that the Mozilla Thunderbird logo is actually a postal delivery bird and not, as I had originally thought, an envelope in a bad punk rocker wig.

Not a wig
Trapper Zoid
May 28, 2007
Brixtar Alpha

Download Brixtar Alpha - Windows Version

I've finally got a version of Brixtar ready for download. It's a bit scrappy around the edges, and I haven't had much time to play test it yet, but it should be a good sample of the game.

Currently I've only got the Windows version ready. There's still a few k…
Trapper Zoid
May 27, 2007
Brixtar - End of Week
My first one week game development challenge is over and Brixtar is... not quite yet releasable, unfortunately. I still need to clean up things a little bit and add in a dozen or so levels before it's playtestable. Even though it still doesn't have sound or a menu system I'll throw something togeth…
Trapper Zoid
May 27, 2007
Brixtar - Day 6 and 3/4
Brixtar's almost alpha ready; or possibly beta - I'm not quite sure which is more appropriate at this stage. All the major features are in there save for the menu and the sound, and I don't think I'll be getting that done by the end of the week.

I've implemented the final two power-ups; score multip…
Trapper Zoid
May 26, 2007
Brixtar - Day 6

I'm halfway through implementing the powerup system; I suspect the final version won't be as mad as this screenshot suggests!

New features added to Brixtar:
  • A rewritten collision detection system. I think it's working better now, although I've noticed a few bugs I still need to iron out.
  • "Steel" brick…
Trapper Zoid
May 25, 2007
Brixtar - Day 5

It's not that easy to draw the GameDev logo, especially in bricks
I've implemented a simple XML level loader into Brixtar, so it should be pretty easy to whip up a series of levels. I still need to implement a couple of new brick types (most likely an unbreakable type and one that needs multiple hit…
Trapper Zoid
May 24, 2007
Brixtar - Day 4
I didn't add that much more to Brixtar yesterday. Unfortunately most of my time was taken up hunting down an annoying pointer bug deep in the bowels of the signal system that forms the core of my whole system. I forgot to put reference counting on the memory structure I use to store the function po…
Trapper Zoid
May 23, 2007
Brixtar - Day 3

I've got collision detection working, so the ball can now collide with bricks, the walls and the paddle. There's a few small kinks that I'll need to debug (the ball sometimes missed a corner hit due to a flaw in the algorithm) but it's reasonably playable as it is. I've also redid the graphics, goi…
Trapper Zoid
May 22, 2007
Brixtar - Day 2
Collision detection is still not working properly. I've implemented a method that should in theory deal with multiple balls travelling at high speed. When given a time interval to update the ball's movement, the algorithm checks to see if the ball can touch a new grid space that could potentially c…
Trapper Zoid
May 21, 2007
Brixtar - Day 1

I wasn't feeling that well yesterday - probably a result of pushing myself too hard to finish the Diagonal Game Library prototype by the end of the weekend - so I didn't get that far in my first demo game. Currently all I've got is some sample game objects displaying placeholder graphics I whipped …
Trapper Zoid
May 20, 2007
Mission Complete!
Great news - after a mad weekend of coding and a few more hours this morning, I'm pleased to announce that the prototype phase of the Diagonal Game Library is now complete! It's time to say farewell to "Mark Aleph - Prototype Version" and start heading towards the next milestone - "Mark Beth - Feat…
Trapper Zoid
May 20, 2007
Ding! You Got Sound!
Last update for the day:


SDL Mixer took a bit of hacking with the compiler to get working, but it's linked in and working now. I couldn't find a ready-built linking library for MinGW32 so I had to compile my own; unforunately I've never been able to get those configure files to work properl…
Trapper Zoid
May 20, 2007
More updates!
More updates!


Timers are now up and running. Going with the KISS philosophy I've implemented them as a wrapper data class; game objects can define their own timers for whatever they need. In terms of data a timer is just a long int record of a particular time in clock ticks, which it can updat…
Trapper Zoid
May 19, 2007
Writing on the Wall

A Big Ol' Screen of Characters

More updates:
  • I've written a simple "sprite set" class which acts as a container of sprite identifiers. It's effectively an array of sprite ids, except with an extra function that allows you to specify a block of sprite names that end in incrementing digits, such as mys…
Trapper Zoid
May 18, 2007
Basic spriting done

A pyramid of stars!

I decided it wasn't worth getting bogged down on throwing in too many features into the spriting code yet - I won't know what I'll need until I need to make a game with it. So I just put in the basic minimum to get working functionality. The game code can set a sprite's:
  • type (wha…
Trapper Zoid
May 18, 2007
Two for the price of one!

Sprites are now working under Windows and Mac OS X. It was an ordeal to get the arcane workings of a PNG loader, PhysicsFS and OpenGL to work together in harmony but it's now displaying pretty pictures. I finally got glpng, a third party PNG-to-OpenGL library, to do the hard work for me after I ad…
Trapper Zoid
May 17, 2007
Quick update
Quick update:
  • SDL opens up in a properly titled window now, both on Mac OS X and Windows.
  • SDL events can be passed properly on to the rest of my library. Currently only the quit and resize messages are passed on, but I'll add the rest when I write the functionality.
  • SDL windows can be resized.
  • The basi…
Trapper Zoid
May 15, 2007
Graphics Design
It's time for another design brainstorm post. Since I'm up to the SDL video initialisation I need to start work on the graphics module, and this requires at least a basic understanding of how I'm going to structure the thing.

The Old Method

The current methodology I'm using for grpahics is based on t…
Trapper Zoid
May 14, 2007
Port early, port often
After a lot of frustration I've got my unit test and SDL test projects running in Xcode under MacOS. It's good to know that the only problem with my code was not including SDL.h in my SDL main C++ file and using **argv instead of *argv[]. Oh, and stupidly inserting the SDL header files in my third …
Trapper Zoid
May 14, 2007
Diagonal Updates
Brief run down of newly implemented features in the Diagonal Game Library:
  • PhysicsFS is now integrated in. I've stripped it down to only read plain directories and ZIP files, but it appears to be working fine.
  • Logging has been ported across from my old engine. I have my colour coded HTML log messages…
Trapper Zoid
May 12, 2007
Three weeks until the MAGIC starts!
The contest is now officially MAGIC! I love acronyms made purely for their easy use in corny puns.

It's now only three weeks to the competition starts. Three weeks may sound like a long time, but to me it certainly isn't. I'd really like to have this prototype game library ready so I can whip someth…
Trapper Zoid
May 12, 2007
One task down, many more to go
I've got my kernel a.k.a. game loop running. Most of time on this was writing a templated singleton class that I liked; the actual kernel itself is tiny due to the use of signals. It's just a while loop that keeps sending out signals until a quit flag is set or there isn't anything left that it is …

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