MAGIC - Day 2

Published June 03, 2007
It's now well into day 2 of the MAGIC contest, and I've hit a fairly big snag for my own game; it seems I've caught some kind of viral bug (which might explain why I was so off colour yesterday). It doesn't seem that serious as the only symptoms I can feel is a reaccuring sense of giddiness, tiredness and feeling freezing (but that might be due to the weather), so it only seems to be affecting my brain right now. Unfortunately I kinda need my brain to do my grad research. And it also means my creativity is in the toilet so it doesn't look like I'll be getting much further on the game tonight.

Since the illness feels fairly minor I'm hoping I'll be operational again by the middle of the week, but it does mean I'll have to cull any ambitious ideas immediately; there's no way I'm going to push myself to breaking point in a week where I'm sick.

Instead I'll treat this as an exercise to get some more prototype work done for the Diagonal Game Library, and attempt to get one of those vectorised little characters I posted a few days back animated on the screen in a simple game somehow involving a tower.
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I hope you feel better soon :(
June 03, 2007 11:26 PM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by Mushu
I hope you feel better soon :(

Thanks. But it's an annoyingly benign illness; it's affecting me enough to make it hard to think, but I feel guilty about complaining about it because I don't think I'm that ill at all. I feel guilty about posting about it really, but I needed to explain why I probably won't be posting any progress for a few days.

June 03, 2007 11:57 PM
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