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TZ's gamedev journal
383 entries
Trapper Zoid
July 28, 2007
Upgrading my monitor
The new piece of Inkscape practice is now up for this week as my journal header. I'm not sure how good Samus looks in cartoon form; the problem with a chibi-esque Samus is the she should be all shoulder-pad, and a chibi sized arm doesn't really work well with that cannon. I might have over-done the…
Trapper Zoid
July 25, 2007
Today: IE fixes, Lunch
(also mirrored over at trazoi.net.)

I made a few tweaks to the CSS, and it now seems to be working in Internet Explorer (at least for version 7). The functionality isn't quite the same but at least the nav bar is usable now. I'd be grateful if IE users could mention if anything is amiss.

I also met m…
Trapper Zoid
July 23, 2007
trazoi.net - fresh new looks
I've put in my first alpha version of the new skin for my site at trazoi.net. I'd be grateful if you could go check it out and tell me what you think.

There's some known issues, the biggest being a glitch with the nav bar in Internet Explorer; the header for the site overlaps it for some reason. I o…
Trapper Zoid
July 22, 2007
Ran out of time...
It looks as if the update to my website at trazoi.net will have to continue into the week, as I've run out of time on the weekend to get everything up and running. I spent a bit too long looking at all the different capabilities of WordPress out there and not long enough actually implementing thing…
Trapper Zoid
July 20, 2007
Craziness expected
Just another reminder that I'm in the process of updating my trazoi.net site today, so things will be a bit crazy for the next several hours. I'm figuring out things as I go, so there's a fair chance things will not be working at some stage of the day.

I also wanted to point out that I'm still updat…
Trapper Zoid
July 19, 2007
Choosing the right tool for the job
After trialling out Joomla! and Drupal over on their test pages and reading through miles of documentation and comments on various CMS systems, I've come to the conclusion that it's probably best if I just use WordPress for my site.

My reasoning is that I just don't need the full power of a total CM…
Trapper Zoid
July 19, 2007
WordPress or Joomla! or Drupal?
(This is a duplicate of my journal post, which may or may not get wiped in my site upgrade I'm planning. Feel free to comment on either journal; I'm reading both!)

The more I read about CMSes (Content Management Systems), the more confusing the options become. There are a number of powerful CMS syst…
Trapper Zoid
July 18, 2007
Plans for WordPress
For the next couple of days I will duplicate journal entries at both my trazoi.net journal and over at GameDev.net. On the weekend I'm going to try and expand my website, and there's a fair to middling chance I might accidentally lose the contents of my WordPress blog; not a big loss seeing how it'…
Trapper Zoid
July 17, 2007
The whats, whys and wherefores of trazoi.net
I was a bit surprised to see that I didn't have any comments when I checked the site first thing this morning, only to find that I'd left manual moderation on for the journal. I'll have to experiment with what's the best settings.

A good question is what I'm actually going to do with my fledgling si…
Trapper Zoid
July 17, 2007
trazoi.net (barely) on-line!
You are cordially invited to a prescreening of my new journal.

My website mightn't have much else there at the moment, such as an actual index page (does that even make it qualify as a website?), the Wordpress journal appears to be working. I'll probably be playing around with the settings and theme…
Trapper Zoid
July 17, 2007
New Site - not quite yet...
Well, I'm finally made the plunge and signed up with DreamHost. I now almost have a website up. What I currently have is a Wordpress weblog which apparently has some configuration problems. I can change the settings and edit comments, but I can't actually make posts or edit the default "Hello, Worl…
Trapper Zoid
July 16, 2007
All named up
It looks like actual game development might have to be put on hold for this week; all the web business is fairly time consuming, but somewhat exciting nonetheless.

I've signed up to a web domain name through GoDaddy, so I know I've got a name I'm fairly happy with (which I'll keep under wraps until …
Trapper Zoid
July 15, 2007
I cannae take much more o' this, cap'n!
Ack! Too many variables, too many options! I've spent most of the day comparing options and reading reviews and my mind is now totally scrambled.

The impression I get is there is no such thing as a free lunch, and there's also no cheaply priced banquets either. Every one of these hosting plans has i…
Trapper Zoid
July 14, 2007
The Internet is Confusing
A Host of Web Hosting Services

The choice between web hosts is a confusing one. I've been looking up all the suggestions made so far, and deciding between the options available is making my brain hurt. It's almost reached the "information overload" point, where I tend to just go with my gut instinct…
Trapper Zoid
July 14, 2007
Web Hosting?
The GDNet file manager appears to be usable today, so I can update this week's journal header.

Being unable to load up images to GDNet this week was a reminder to me that I really need to move on getting my own hosting. While the limited amount of web space here has been a great way to dab my toes i…
Trapper Zoid
July 12, 2007
GDNet+ Webspace Problems?
I notice I'm still unable to access my GDNet+ web space. The control panel web interface seems to be unloadable, and the FTP service is down. This is a bit of a pain, since it means I'll be unable to upload anything. I was planning on posting more Inkscape pictures and screenshots of Ice Slider nex…
Trapper Zoid
July 12, 2007
GDNet+ Webspace Problems?
I notice I'm still unable to access my GDNet+ web space. The control panel web interface seems to be unloadable, and the FTP service is down. This is a bit of a pain, since it means I'll be unable to upload anything. I was planning on posting more Inkscape pictures and screenshots of Ice Slider nex…
Trapper Zoid
July 10, 2007
Web space woes
Moonpod's Starscape has proved to be a mite more addictive than I'd bargined for; it's taken the lion share of my dev time recently. While sampling indie games has been instructive, it's also extremely distracting when they're so fun. I've got to make me an omni-directonal shooter game some time; M…
Trapper Zoid
July 07, 2007
I can't think of a good title for this one
I really should be posting more updates here, even if I haven't got a lot to day. Posting regularly is a motivation to do things to fill out the journal.

I've been spending a bit too much time playing through those indie games. I've ended up purchasing a copy of Eets - Hunger: It's Emotional; I'm a …
Trapper Zoid
July 03, 2007
2007 - Part 2
I'm back from my brief trip back down to my originating city of Melbourne. Overall it was a pretty successful trip; got to catch up with people, generally hung out with my family for a while, and did all the administrative tasks I needed to. Most importantly I feel energised and ready to take on th…
Trapper Zoid
June 29, 2007
Ice Slider Recap
I've done a little bit of housekeeping with the header of this journal, shortening it down to something a bit more manageable (and updating my Invalid Tangram high score).

I'm also heading home to Melbourne for a few days to meet up with family and deal with the usual admin that builds up over a few…
Trapper Zoid
June 27, 2007
Demo Game #2 - Ice Slider
I've made a few more minor improvements to my game engine, but nothing earth shattering. Progress is actually quite slow as I get bogged down with planning the GUI improvements to come. However it's got to a stalemate where I think I've fallen into the classic trap of featuritis; I'm planning for t…
Trapper Zoid
June 25, 2007
Coding update
Time for a coding update. Amongst all the other things I've been doing lately I'm also currently upgrading the internals of my sprite engine, Diagonal. In the creation of Brixtar and the aborted attempt at a MAGIC game I've pinned down a number of architecture flaws that needed fixing.

Firstly, I've…
Trapper Zoid
June 23, 2007
Indie game design principles
I apologise for the lack of updates. I've been procrastinating more that is healthy lately. I've been putting in a reasonable amount of time to my projects, it's just that most of that time appears to be spent blankly staring at a piece of paper lost in my own thoughts. Before I know it the clock h…
Trapper Zoid
June 19, 2007
Given there's been a lot of support for the idea of a contest based around a fixed set of sprites, I think I'll use this as an opportunity to work on my own art skills. I haven't done that much in Inkscape recently, so I need the practice. While my game library is being upgraded I think I'll try an…
Trapper Zoid
June 18, 2007
I hate winter
I'm dedicating this first paragraph to a general whinge about winter. It's cold, wet, there's very little sun and I have a constant urge to sleep all the time. Winter, I'd hate you with a passion if I could muster up the energy to do so.

I've been meaning to post a wrap-up of the MAGIC contest for a…
Trapper Zoid
June 11, 2007
Judgement Day
It was a good Queen's Birthday holiday for me, with most of it spent playing games about towers. I have a preliminary score sheet written up for all the entries in the contest, so the judging is partly complete. Unfortunately I ran out of time and energy to make a final decision, so I'll have to do…
Trapper Zoid
June 09, 2007
Almost judging time
As of now I've received emails for two MAGIC games, so it is now officially a "contest". I haven't played more than a couple of seconds of each one to make sure that they work so I can review them all on an equally fresh basis, but I'm looking forward to playing them all tomorrow.

For me tomorrow is…
Trapper Zoid
June 08, 2007
Doubt I'll get this MAGIC game done
After scratching through a few designs for my MAGIC game this morning, I'm rapidly coming the conclusion that this game is unsalvagable. Unfortunately my original plan, a kind of cow balancing game based on cartoony physics, doesn't seem to be workable as a game. Every attempt to rescue it by eithe…
Trapper Zoid
June 08, 2007
Tower of Cows
Behold the Tower of Cows!
As fun as simply stacking cows sounds, I've got plans of turning this into a simple puzzle game. Unfortunately the code is currently as buggy as hell and I've screwed up the cow data structures by working things out on the fly. Furthermore I'm not sure from this initial sta…

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