The whats, whys and wherefores of

Published July 17, 2007
I was a bit surprised to see that I didn't have any comments when I checked the site first thing this morning, only to find that I'd left manual moderation on for the journal. I'll have to experiment with what's the best settings.

A good question is what I'm actually going to do with my fledgling site over at Which is why I've answered that over there in my journal.

I'm going to follow HopeDagger's lead for a while and post my main journal entries over at my own website, and double up here with teaser snippets. After a while I'll figure out what the difference will be between the two journals. I'm probably not going to close this journal because I like the eyeball traffic; who better to review your game development than other game developers?

Right now, I'm looking to create the main page for my new site. I'm looking for suggestions on a good way to approach that. I could just whip something up in HTML, but I'm first going to check if there's an easier way to manage the whole site. Raw HTML is fine and all, but manually updating pages means things could get unwieldly fast.

Another link to my journal entry for good measure.
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Thecodezone's front page is mostly a Flash RSS reader that grabs all items from my blog that are tagged as "siteupdate". That way all I really have to do to announce an update is blog about it.
July 17, 2007 05:58 PM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by johnhattan
Thecodezone's front page is mostly a Flash RSS reader that grabs all items from my blog that are tagged as "siteupdate". That way all I really have to do to announce an update is blog about it.

That's a really neat idea. I'm not sure whether I can use Flash, mainly because I don't have a copy myself, but I'm sure there are other methods for doing the same thing.

If only those Adobe products weren't so expensive. It was only last week I had my nose pressed up against against the glass of my computer monitor, staring whistfully at that two thousand dollar Adobe CS3 package with Illustrator and Flash...
July 17, 2007 06:13 PM
The links are a good way of upping your google status. You may want to post an announcement in the forums at some point too.
July 18, 2007 04:07 AM
Look in to the Microsoft Expression line of products too, they are pretty cool.
July 18, 2007 04:08 AM
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