I can't think of a good title for this one

Published July 07, 2007
I really should be posting more updates here, even if I haven't got a lot to day. Posting regularly is a motivation to do things to fill out the journal.

I've been spending a bit too much time playing through those indie games. I've ended up purchasing a copy of Eets - Hunger: It's Emotional; I'm a big fan of The Incredible Machine and the game is cheap (I'd probably have bought it for twice the price). I also finally bought Moodpod's Starscape and Mr. Robot - I've got the CD-ROM versions on order, but I've also got the codes to unlock the full versions of the demos I've got. That seems to be standard with most indie games, and it's a good way to make the upgrading process painless.

I have been doing some game dev work, but it's mainly been mid-term planning (given we've just passed the half-year milestone). I'm not sure why I find planning ahead so difficult; I suspect it's because I get paralysed making decisions from all the myriad of possibilities. Although the plan is currently very sketchy I think I'll start moving on; I've got a fairly good idea of what I should be doing in the short term with Ice Slider, so I can start working on that. However I'd still like to jot down some rough deadlines for Ice Slider so I can figure out the timeline for the rest of the year.

Tomorrow I'll sketch out a rough development guide for Ice Slider and start estimating times for development. I'm sure I'll get the estimates wrong but that's part of the learning exercise, right?

P.S. I've also been playing a few of the virtual console games on the Wii, although I've been disheartened by my complete inability to get anywhere in the original Mega Man. How the heck are you meant to get through that game?
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