Web Hosting?

Published July 14, 2007
The GDNet file manager appears to be usable today, so I can update this week's journal header.

Being unable to load up images to GDNet this week was a reminder to me that I really need to move on getting my own hosting. While the limited amount of web space here has been a great way to dab my toes in the internet stream, it seems everyone and their goldfish has their own website these days. I've been dithering about this for ages because I don't know much about running web pages, but then again, how else will I learn without giving it a go?

My main concern is that I don't know a lot about selecting a good web host. Every web host provides a plethora of features, but I'm not sure exactly which I need. I'd ask questions in the forums but I think I need help crafting the question I need to ask.

There are a few basic features I think I'll need. I really would like a place to put up a few web pages, stick up some of my games for download, start a web journal, maybe start a web comic and perhaps start some official company webpages later down the track. The ability to host multiple web sites would be needed, as eventually I'll need more than one domain. However from my understanding nearly everything should be able to cope with that.

My current inclination is to go with Dreamhost; I've read mostly good things about them, and they've got a lot of information on their website about what they provide. The main downside I've heard about them is their servers aren't quite as useful for CPU intensive operations; I'm not sure if that applies to the sorts of things I'd be using it for, unless the journal or web comic software uses a CPU hungry database system (I'm pretty clueless on how those work from the server side).

Still, I'm pretty keen on starting this up, otherwise I'll just let it slide again. I'm setting myself the deadline of choosing a host by the end of the week, as I suspect most of the well known ones are fairly reasonable. Then by the end of the month I hope to be dabbling with a website of my own - once I decide what to call it and which top-level domain to use. Dot com, dot net, dot net dot au? Maybe more than one - extra domains are fairly cheap?

Note that one of the first things I'd do is set up a new journal over on the new site, I'm not planning on closing this one. However I'll start winding the use of this back to maybe once a week or less, providing a more quality summary of game dev relating things. I'd be using my own site for the regular run-of-the-mill daily crap we all have to wade through. Frankly for this journal I suspect it will be an improvement.

Question and comments would be welcome, so I can ask a sensible question in the forums tomorrow.

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I've been thinking about DreamHost aswell, if you happen to get hosting from them before me - tell me how it goes.

Only thing is..I want to pay monthly, but if you pay monthly you gotta pay the setup fee :(.
July 14, 2007 06:27 AM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by bladerunner627
I've been thinking about DreamHost aswell, if you happen to get hosting from them before me - tell me how it goes.

HopeDagger's using DreamHost, so you can see how it's going for him too.

Quote: Only thing is..I want to pay monthly, but if you pay monthly you gotta pay the setup fee :(.

I know - the price scheme is such that it's really not worth paying for anything less than one year, since the setup fee is six months worth of hosting. I'd probably sign up for the reduced two year plan anyway; it's not like it's so expensive that I'd be kicking myself for spending the extra cash if I needed to switch after one year.

July 14, 2007 07:30 AM
I opted for the one-year offering -- $117 isn't so bad for a year of solid webhosting. Or at least what I'm hoping is solid. Right now I'm really enjoying the speed. I could link you to a dictionary definition if you've forgotten what it's like, since GD.NET has been *crawling* lately. Anyways, I feel like I've become a DreamHost sales agent, which I really don't like. Just give the darn thing a shot, they have a 90-day money-back deal. Both of you get on here so we can start somesort of GD.NET-away-from-GD.NET group or something. [smile]
July 14, 2007 08:46 AM
Personally, I've been really happy with Nearly Free Speech.Net. They are a kind a 'pay as you go' service, charging $1 per gig of storage space and $1 per gig of transfer.

I've mostly been using them as a kinda personal file store system for the last two years or so and it's cost me around £20 or so in all that time.

It's not a 'fancy' service, but as a web host goes I've been happy with them personally (no email however, but they do forwarding for domains so if you've got say a gmail account you could have all your mail forward'd there).
July 14, 2007 09:21 AM
I'm using crazywebhosting for thecodezone.com. It's run by a couple of guys outta Dallas, and I'm happy with 'em.
July 14, 2007 11:13 AM
powweb.com for me. I have three domains registered with them and no problems yet.

The only thing is that you cant access the mySql servers remotely.

its only $4.77/m(until end of july) but i pay yearly at $96.
July 14, 2007 12:41 PM
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