I hate winter

Published June 18, 2007
I'm dedicating this first paragraph to a general whinge about winter. It's cold, wet, there's very little sun and I have a constant urge to sleep all the time. Winter, I'd hate you with a passion if I could muster up the energy to do so.

I've been meaning to post a wrap-up of the MAGIC contest for a while, but it's not quite over yet. I've still got to give tag his Lua book. I was expecting to have to post the book half way around the world, but I was most surprised when tag replied with a postal address that's only a few kilometres away; I had no idea he was a local! Paradoxically this has actually delayed the send off, as I naturally responded with an email asking when he'd like me to drop the book off in person to which he hasn't replied yet; if he'd lived in any other city I'd have posted the thing by now. At least though now I'll have the opportunity to say hi to a GameDev member in person.

I've also posted up a feedback request for the MAGIC contest. I've got a hankering to run this thing again in a few months time. If possible I'd also like to try limiting the contest with a fixed set of art assets; I'd provide a set of sprites and backgrounds that everyone must use. While this might mean a lot of similarity in the games produced it should make it a lot easier for people to get started. It also is an excuse for me to get moving on my art practice, as it would be best if I could provide the custom art myself.

As for the Diagonal Game Library; I'm busy working on the revamp of the graphics system. It's currently very broken due to my inability to think clearly (I point the blame firmly at winter). I've reworked the internals but every new thing I put in breaks it in a nasty new way, and my new data structures all have a fatal flaw that I don't spot until half-way finished. I think the system I'm currently attempting will work, but it's slow and painful going. I'll post more on this once I've got something that actually works.

Only four more days until the winter equinox, and then this stupid season will be on the way out. I can't wait for spring; most of my best work seems to get done then.
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Sir Sapo
You're whole winter thing confused the hell out of me until I remembered you live on the other side of the planet!
June 19, 2007 12:24 AM
Prinz Eugn
Quote: Original post by Trapper Zoid
I'm dedicating this first paragraph to a general whinge about winter. It's cold, wet, there's very little sun and I have a constant urge to sleep all the time. Winter, I'd hate you with a passion if I could muster up the energy to do so.

This is exactly why I like winter...

I'd take a picture of my sunburnt face for being outside for more than 10 minutes, but a camera escapes me.
June 19, 2007 12:30 AM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by Sir Sapo
You're whole winter thing confused the hell out of me until I remembered you live on the other side of the planet!

Confusing you Northerners is one of the reasons why I love posting journal entries about the winter. Consider it collective pay-back for all those game companies that post release dates like "Spring 2008", which always confuse the hell out of me.

(Note: Northerners includes you guys in states like New Mexico and Texas; you mightn't feel like a Northerner but you're north of me!).
June 19, 2007 12:58 AM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by Prinz Eugn
I'd take a picture of my sunburnt face for being outside for more than 10 minutes, but a camera escapes me.

That's the beauty of summer; you only need to step outside for a few moments to get enough sun, rather than having to stay outside constantly in the freezing cold. In summer you can feel those life giving rays even when safe in your concrete bunker happily coding away.

I suppose I can't complain too much; if I lived in some place like Edinburgh or Stockholm then I'd hardly get any daylight at all during winter. Although the northern hemisphere gets the benefit of having Christmas and New Year holidays at the peak of winter, whereas all we get is the opportunity to fill out tax forms.
June 19, 2007 01:04 AM
I like the idea of a competition with supplied art assets - it'd be kind of like what Danc at lostgarden.com is doing, only competitive :)

As for winter - I'm from Adelaide, now living in the UK - I spent a year living in Edinburgh, and the winters werent too bad ... very cold, and it snowed, but generally there were blue skies ... and cold. Open fires are great :)

Although, apparently Adelaide is getting down to freezing now too, which never used to happen.

Think i blinked and missed summer tho :(

June 19, 2007 04:16 AM
Heh, when I lived in Australia waaaaay back when (I think it was 5 years old to 7) I liked the winters, as I never had to wear a jacket. Then again, I was born in Alaska, so that probably has something to do with it :D.

Just wanted to chime in about the contest, it was a great one (wish I could have participated), and I think the art assets is a rocking idea.
June 19, 2007 04:59 AM
The Squidi chap (http://www.squidi.net/three/index.php), doing the idea a day for 300 days, mentioned he might be willing to give away some of his cool pixel art for game makers.

There's also another website actually giving away graphical resources along with ideas but I can't find in my del.icio.us subscription history. Maybe some else can point that one out, it had a variety of graphical tiles, some people,a door and a key. I think the suggested game was some kind of god-game.

Either I think it's a good idea! :D
June 19, 2007 02:49 PM
Whenever I think about moving overseas I remember what the weather is like. I love aussie weather too much to leave! [grin]
June 19, 2007 05:57 PM
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