
Published June 19, 2007
Given there's been a lot of support for the idea of a contest based around a fixed set of sprites, I think I'll use this as an opportunity to work on my own art skills. I haven't done that much in Inkscape recently, so I need the practice. While my game library is being upgraded I think I'll try another little side project and make a cartoony styled general game tileset as an exercise.

Since I'm doing this for the art pratice I don't have a particular game in mind, although I'll probably end up using it for something. However without a specific game in mind I'm open for suggestions on what to do. I'm leaning towards a sort of fantasy RPG style tileset with a slight perspective (similar to PlanetCute), as has a lot of scope for extensions and could easily be adapted for a wide variety of games. But I'm open to other ideas, such as a platformer tile set.
Previous Entry I hate winter
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lol, I look forward to seeing the stuff you come up with. I think this is definitely an awesome idea!!!
June 19, 2007 11:32 PM
Trapper Zoid
Be forewarned that the only genre of art I can draw is "Sickeningly Cute Cartoon".
June 20, 2007 12:07 AM
Maybe just a generic (not even fantasy?) set of RPG-like sprites would work. If you're feeling adventurous maybe just two generic, featureless models, and a bunch of clothing and such that could be pasted onto them, but that'd be a lot of work...

RPGish graphics would work the best I think, just because they're easily adapted to everything.
June 20, 2007 01:51 AM
Emmanuel Deloget
If you ever plan to do some inkspace stuff, I'd be very happy to see you writing some inkspace tuts in your journal - your last one was very good, and it actually made me download this software. I'm not sure I'll be able to do what you do (problems is more that I lack any creative skills), but it would be great if I could learn from you!
June 20, 2007 06:55 AM
I've got an idea bouncing around for the past couple of weeks. I move from theme to theme, but the one that keeps coming back is space pirates. And I think your little short-armed blobby characters would be perfect for such a thing.

I envision a few races of space pirates, one humanoid and the rest alien. They're all funny alien-types with various colors and antennas and tentacles and such, but the aliens are all wearing old-style black pirate hats with a skull-n-crossbones.

Maybe the skulls, though, are all funny shaped. . .because they're aliens and have funny skulls. Get it?

Anyway, that's what I'm thinking.
June 20, 2007 09:18 AM
Quote: Original post by johnhattan
I've got an idea bouncing around for the past couple of weeks. I move from theme to theme, but the one that keeps coming back is space pirates. And I think your little short-armed blobby characters would be perfect for such a thing.

I envision a few races of space pirates, one humanoid and the rest alien. They're all funny alien-types with various colors and antennas and tentacles and such, but the aliens are all wearing old-style black pirate hats with a skull-n-crossbones.

Maybe the skulls, though, are all funny shaped. . .because they're aliens and have funny skulls. Get it?

Anyway, that's what I'm thinking.

Space pirates you say? Space pirates that ride space motorcycles perhaps?
June 20, 2007 09:35 AM
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