All named up

Published July 16, 2007
It looks like actual game development might have to be put on hold for this week; all the web business is fairly time consuming, but somewhat exciting nonetheless.

I've signed up to a web domain name through GoDaddy, so I know I've got a name I'm fairly happy with (which I'll keep under wraps until it points somewhere; no point going to a non-site right now). Now all I need is hosting. Since there's a lot of happy DreamHost members here at GameDev I think I'll go with them; they seem reasonable as a starter host, as well as quite cheap for their first level plan.

There's a bunch of discout codes floating around the internet for DreamHost that provide a discount too. From my reading between the lines on their forums, it looks like it's some sort of referral code from existing members, so I'm assuming there's some kind of kickback to the referer. If that's the case, I'd prefer to use a code recommended from one of my journal readers rather than one I pluck off the net at random, so if anyone wants to recommend their own code, feel free.
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I suggested super777 which brings a year's hosting on L1 down to $22 on your last journal entry [grin]
July 16, 2007 10:12 AM
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