Diagonal Game Library and Ice Slider

Published August 05, 2007
New post over at my journal at trazoi.net:

Quote: While I need to put in some more changes to the website (and think of a new poll too), it's about time to start posting about my hobby projects, since that is the whole point of trazoi.net.

As you've probably guessed from the site my main hobby is game development. My eventual goal is to make the happy, fun, emotional roller-coaster packages of enjoyment that I dream of making. My current method of approaching this goal is "Project Diagonal" - developing my own suite of 2D game development code.

In the rest of this post, I will briefly go over the point of Diagonal, a description of my current game Ice Slider, and other plans for the rest of the year. This is also a test of WordPress' summary capability, so click the link to see the rest of the post.

Read the rest over at trazoi.net

Following on from the comments about the header image from this week I've noticed there's a lot of encouragement for me to actually try Final Fantasy VII. I suppose it is more possible now, since several months ago I acquired a PS1; I found it next to the local trash skip with a note saying "still works, pls take".

There are, however three small problems for me to overcome:
  1. I need a copy of Final Fantasy VII.
  2. The PS1 was missing a power cable, so I need to find some way to power the thing up and see if it really does work.
  3. At some time in its life-time one of its previous owners decided to "improve" the appearance of this particular console:

Additional: Oh, and I'm also not sure if it's compatible with Australian PS1 games. The back sticker seems to suggest it's not; it's got "NTSC" and "J" on it, but I don't know enough about the console to know Aussie games were PAL only.
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Looking on Amazon, the lowest price for the game is $59.99, used. Some are trying to sell a new copy for $139. Meanwhile FFVIII is selling as low as $20[sad]

I personally am not a fan of VII, mostly because I feel, in terms of gameplay, it was a downgrade from V and VI. I never really liked the plot either. That's not to say the game isn't good, because it is, but I just didn't like it.

It seems pretty cruel to leave a playstation...er...decorated in that manner without the power cord. Lookup "PELICAN ACCESSORIES Universal Power Cord", it's a cord that should work with the original playstation.

Good luck finding the game!
August 05, 2007 02:53 AM
Trapper Zoid
I'm not that keen on devoting too much effort tracking down a copy; while it would be nice to play FF7, it makes a good excuse to post the picture of the PS1 [smile].

I'd consider it a worthy purchase if I happened to find a second hand copy of FF7 in a local store for a modest price, but otherwise I'm not sure I can invest the time. I'm not that much of a fan of the series; out of the SNES games I thought the Secret of Mana games and Chrono Trigger were more fun than Final Fantasy VI, for example.

I'll wait until Square/Enix releases the Super Duper Final Fantasy Anthology containing Final Fantasies I through XV in a few years time. Hopefully it will also include Tactics too.
August 05, 2007 03:18 AM
Quote: I personally am not a fan of VII, mostly because I feel, in terms of gameplay, it was a downgrade from V and VI.

This is true, I really like V tho I have-not- played VI. To say the truth I prefer IX and still think the character design in that one is the best.

It is a good game, but I wouldn't pay $50 for it. Probally the only reason I like it so much was because at the time it took me frigging ages to figure out how to play it and when I did figure it out I was so damm happy (I have the PC version and didn't know anything about no numpad lock - what!?).
August 05, 2007 10:39 AM
Quote: I'll wait until Square/Enix releases the Super Duper Final Fantasy Anthology containing Final Fantasies I through XV in a few years time. Hopefully it will also include Tactics too.

[lol] So very, very true. They released the 2D ones for the GBA, and now their releasing them again for the PSP with enhanced graphics. I'm actually suprised that they haven't ported VII, VIII, and IX to the PSP. They're probably working on doing that right now.

Quote: Original post by diablo_tk
Quote: I personally am not a fan of VII, mostly because I feel, in terms of gameplay, it was a downgrade from V and VI.

This is true, I really like V tho I have-not- played VI. To say the truth I prefer IX and still think the character design in that one is the best.

It is a good game, but I wouldn't pay $50 for it. Probally the only reason I like it so much was because at the time it took me frigging ages to figure out how to play it and when I did figure it out I was so damm happy (I have the PC version and didn't know anything about no numpad lock - what!?).

V is my favorite of the series, because I feel the job system was really well done. I do own a copy of FFVII, and I'm suprised to see that people are trying to sell it for over $100. It wasn't that good.

August 05, 2007 11:56 AM
nice find. I was thinking of getting a PS1 just because the games were so cheap now.
August 06, 2007 08:01 PM
If you can locate a serial cable and a GameShark or similar device, you can dump the BIOS from the PS1 and then play the games on your computer using a proper emulator, like ePSXe, which also offers gorgeous OpenGL2 effects and FSAA.

John: If you can, get a PSone instead of a regular PSX. They have a better drive assembly and are later manufactured. All you give up is some of the hinkier features of the original PSX bios (VCD player).
August 10, 2007 08:57 AM
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