Poll Results: Which player suit are you?

Published October 01, 2007
Results for the poll: Which player suit are you?

  • Diamonds (Achiever): 2 votes

  • Spades (Explorer): 6 votes

  • Hearts (Socialiser) 0 votes

  • Clubs (Killer) 1 votes

This was pretty much the result I expected. As of now I expect my main traffic comes from people at GameDev.net, and game developers are very much the explorer stereotype. I know I'm the kind of person who sometimes buys games just so I can analyse them, sometimes even when I know they aren't a whole lot of fun. While I don't play MMORPGs myself I am sorely tempted to try one purely to see what they are like.

I also expected a few Achiever types, as figuring out the optimal way to play is another strong trait I'd expect. No Socialisers, it seems, and one lone Killer type, just to freak me out slightly.

My next poll is one I've been waiting to post for a while, and now the Four Elements VI contest has started it's now its time. For those of you who don't know GameDev.net's Four Elements contest, here's a link to the competition page. It's basically an annual contest to make a game in six months that contains some of four elements. This year competitors need to choose at least three out of the four elements, "Ponies", "Accountants", "Crystals", "Explosions".

The relaxing of the rules to allow just three elements plays nicely into the poll topic I had planned - Which 4E6 element do you think is most challenging? I expect there's a few of you who are planning to enter who have a particular element you feel too difficult to implement or mesh with the other three. I'm interested in seeing which element wins this one, as I'm not particularly confident you'll agree with me.

Head over to trazoi.net to cast your vote!
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Hmm. I think it will depend largely on what you want kind of game you're trying to make out of them.

I find that fitting the Pony and the Accountant together in combination with either of the other elements to be the hardest thing.

I voted for Accountant on the poll though, just because it's not exactly the most appealing for any game genre that comes easily to mind for me.
October 01, 2007 05:17 PM
Trapper Zoid
I know what you mean. I still haven't voted in my own poll yet, because I'm undecided on which element I find the most challenging. Ponies aren't that hard to fit into a game design, but they're not the easiest things to draw and animate. Accountants are somewhat restrictive in what they can do; it means you need to have some kind of managed economy system in there (although not necessariy based on money). And explosions might sound simple, but it's actually fairly hard to fit them in meaningfully with a game based on ponies and/or accountants.

Crystal is the only element I think can fit in nicely with ponies, accountants or explosions, and is fairly easy to draw or model in 3D. I figure it will be the most common element because of that.
October 02, 2007 03:26 AM
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