Flash! Aaa-aah

Published August 31, 2007
This week, apart from being unable to a particular Queen song out of my head (He'll save ev'ry one of us!), I've been slowly acquainting myself to the basic tools of Illustrator and Flash. I'm still at the absolute basics, working through a few online tutorials.

After some consideration I've decided to dub September "Learning Adobe Month" and put my game engine on the slow burner for a while in order to be able to devote more time to getting to speed with Illustrator and Flash. This is partly because I'm just keen to dive in and learn these tools, however it's also because I'm going to spend a lot of my time this month programming prototypes in C++ for research purposed and I'd like to spend my spare time doing something a bit more visual to give my mind a break. Plus if Flash turns out to be great as a prototyping tool it makes sense to structure my own engine in a similar fashion to make porting easier.

More over at trazoi.net
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