Poll Results: MAGIC game dev contest: Whats more i

Published September 07, 2007
The final poll results for what is more important for the MAGIC game dev contest:

  • Holding another as soon as possible: 2 votes
  • Improving the contest: 3 votes
  • Waiting for 4E6: 4 votes
  • What's the MAGIC contest?: 2 votes

Waiting for the Four Elements contest is the winner, but it's pretty darn close with improving the contest. Given that the Four Elements contest has been confirmed to start some time in September, the prudent thing to do re: MAGIC is to wait to see what flavour this year's contest takes, how much interest there is in it, and whether a small auxiliary game contest can supplement or compliment it. This means I'll delay holding the contest to probably November, October at the earliest.

I'm going to try and put some more time into the website this month, so as part of that I'll try to put up a new poll every week. This week I'll put some time into brainstorming ideas for improving MAGIC, as that will make a decent poll topic. To tide everyone over, I'll put up one of the deeper philosophical questions of our age, one that my brother and I both independently submitted to Nintendo's "Everybody Votes" channel but to my knowledge hasn't been used yet - which do you prefer: cake or pie?

Head over to trazoi.net to join in light commentary and vote in the new poll!
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If I had to make a permanent choice of whether I could only eat cake or pie for the rest of my life, Sofie's Choice Desert, if you will, I don't know how I would respond. Infact such a choice would throw me into a state of utter disbelief I believe that I would crack under the pressure. A prefference to one or the other however, when I really think about it... I have to go with cake. Don't get me wrong, I like pie too, but only of limited kinds. For instance, chocolate and pumpkin are really the only two pies that I like. Yes there are different variations of the two, French Silk for example, but that is still chocolate. Oh and apple, you can't forget apple pie, with some ice cream, ooohh, buddy. Damnit, now the more I think about it, I'm more confused then ever, Damn you Trapper Zoid, I'll now be debating with myself for all eternity, although I may just go get some cake and pie right now, because I'm getting hungry with all this thinking.
September 22, 2007 04:09 PM
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