MMORPGS: Story ideas? Christian Elements?
There was a good quote from the movie devils advocate where Keanu Reeves says to Satan "don''t you know you''re gonna lose... havn''t you read the bible?" And the Devil responds, saying... "of course the bible says I''m gonna lose.... look who wrote it!!". So, you could make the game out to look as if evil is going to win..... but since this is a christian game, there would have to be a big plot twist somewhere along the way. Just something to think about.
quote:First off, there is no way this topic could fill 5 pages of constructive Christian MMORPG ideas. You made it sound like I was trying to do your job; I just don''t want to see this thread. And clearly what I said was a well justified statement that applies to most forums that have a mix of beliefs. Most forums I go to have rules about even talking about religion because it is on it''s own a very controversial topic, regardless of how people view it. Besides this 3 month old thread was necro''d, last time I checked there were rules against that. Oh gee I’m a bad person for pointing it out now ...
Original post by Oluseyiquote:Is that supposed to be a self-fulfilling prophecy? Because until you make your inflammatory comment, the discussion appears to have been quite civil.
Original post by PumpkinPieman
The fact still remains that these threads are breeding ground for flame wars...
How about you leave the moderation to us?
This is EXACTLY why they don''t make religous games. Just look at the controversy this game has created with out even existing! You think the flame wars are bad here, imagine the flame wars that would take place in the game. People would be flipping out all over the place. And you know that some people would create satanist avitars and start an anti-christ colt within the game...that''s just inevitable.
Well, the passion caused quite a bit of controversy... and it did pretty well at the box office. Maybe someone should make a christian video game....
So build it in. Heck, I''ve been waiting to see a MMO game that has a guild for griefers and PKers. Give them rewards for making the Christians'' challenges more difficult. Let them be the little devil sitting on the Christian''s shoulder, telling him to kill people. If you read some of the other threads about sanity and hallucination, there are applications here. Let "evil" players decieve the "good" ones and turn them against one another. If you could pull it off, it would be a brilliant feature.
That''s a really good idea about having a greifers guild. The results could be hilarious.
It is true that controversy can do well in the box office. I am just worried about the special case of an MMO where there is so much human interaction. Combining human interaction with a religous theme sounds risky to me. I''m afraid that people would being arguing about religon more often than actually having fun in the game. Everyone has different ideas about God, Jesus, the bible and the Christain faith in general. This is likely to cause emotionally charged battles in the game...then again...maybe that''s a good thing.
It is true that controversy can do well in the box office. I am just worried about the special case of an MMO where there is so much human interaction. Combining human interaction with a religous theme sounds risky to me. I''m afraid that people would being arguing about religon more often than actually having fun in the game. Everyone has different ideas about God, Jesus, the bible and the Christain faith in general. This is likely to cause emotionally charged battles in the game...then again...maybe that''s a good thing.
so let those people join the other guild or whatever. you can try to convert them while they throw axes at you.
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
Just discovered there's a Christian Game Developer's Conference. Thought I'd throw that into the mix. I'm considering attending. It's July 30 & 31, 2004 in Portland, Oregon, and so far it doesn't look the they charge for actual admission. Of course you have to pay for room & board and stuff. Check it out.
Edit: Correction, admission ("infrastructure costs") is $40. Not too bad though.
[edited by - irbrian on May 4, 2004 10:11:05 AM]
Edit: Correction, admission ("infrastructure costs") is $40. Not too bad though.
[edited by - irbrian on May 4, 2004 10:11:05 AM]
---------------------------Brian Lacy"I create. Therefore I am."
Original post by CodeMonkeyX
This is EXACTLY why they don't make religous games.
They don't make religious games because religious games would suck. And, as it's already been pointed out, an angels versus demons RTS would not be "religious."
People don't care about controversy. Controversy just equals ratings. A game about a pacifistic Christian saving souls would be horrible. No one would care enough to flame it anyway.
"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own."
[edited by - orionx103 on May 4, 2004 9:36:26 PM]
Original post by orionx103
A game about a pacifistic Christian saving souls would be horrible.
Maybe instead of making the player the pacifistic Christian saving souls have the player be someone "more interesting" but have the plot "be about" (in a sense) the pacifistic Christian saving souls. Two movie examples come to mind. "A Knight''s Tale" is (in a sense) as much about Chaucer as it is about William Thatcher. And "Ben Hur" is (in a sense) as much about Jesus Christ as it is about Judah Ben Hur.
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