quote: Original post by PumpkinPieman
1) To take the teachings of the bible and use them as a guide for a story is one thing, to apply the teachings of the bible to a game that has relitivly no plot is another.
I didn''t mean to imply otherwise. My appologies if I did.
2) I don''t hate them per say, sure I may have a big issue with religious people in general. But that''s only because they act anal towards others they do not know. Obviously most of them haven''t heard the saying "Don''t judge a book by its cover". It''s just that the Christians are easier to pick out by the looks of disgust in their faces, as they simply avoid the people who look “evil”. I''ve asked a few of them what religion they belong to (complete strangers) most of them said Christianity. These are the same people who look at you weird because you have long hair and a red goatee. So yeah you could say that in some way I despise their self-centered dispositions.''
Yeah, and I have my complaints about atheists, wiccans, Buddhists, etc. (as well as Christians, mind you) Just as one shouldn''t judge a book by its cover, one shouldn''t judge the whole by a few, nor expect stereotypes to fit an individual.
3) Lets take another reign check, we''re talking about MMORPGS not Tetris. There is no way you can make a decently fun MMORPG with all puzzles and no killing.
Actually, we sort of stopped talking about specifically MMORPGs a while back. But even if we are talking about MMORPGs:
1) I don''t understand why the killing needs to be removed
2) A perfectly good MMORPG could be made based on economics and politics
If I were to break down every style of game that christians are limited too this would be it.
Classic Gaming (Pacman etc ...)
Sports (depending on how anal the person is about violence)
Well crap... wish you could''ve told me sooner so I could''ve thrown my FPS''s and RPG''s in with all those Harry Potter books they used to burn!