
MMORPGS: Story ideas? Christian Elements?

Started by January 15, 2004 03:38 AM
152 comments, last by GottaBeKD 20 years, 8 months ago
Hi! I plan to start work on a mmorpg, along with half the world out there. Has anyone heard of any great ideas that they would like to see for an MMORPG story? Can you think of anything mmorpg story/universes that haven''t been done but you would love to see? Can you think of any mmorpg story that might have a chrisian perspective, or a way to sneak in a few christian elements?
I always liked the way Star Wars Galaxies implemented its item crafting.. with the resource gathering/resource quality/crafter skill all lending to the finished object. I thought that was perfect.

As for Christian elements, I am a Christian, and I have no idea how to create a Christian game that is fun, short of bible educational games. I think it would be very hard to get it mainstream. - a Christian Programmer''s Weblog | Dusty Engine - a task engine using Irrlicht | Computer Guys Run the World
How to be a Programmer
yeah, although it's a good idea, i think it would actually be MORE fun to create (this is just an idea here) a new religion, so the player takes it more lightly, maybe you can put in some kind of religious war (in good taste, ofcourse), for instance: two gods wage war against eachother, and the players are either demigods (messengers of their gods, with flags and/or banners) or someone who believes in one of the religions. OR if you are truly a believer (rank that the player can earn) you become a demigod =)

that's just an idea I got while typing this reply, I don't actually think this would be a good game, but hell, if you can do something with it, be my guest...

[edited by - picklejuice on January 15, 2004 1:49:13 PM]

Well, it''s not a computer game, but "Ars Magica" is a roleplaying game that deals with christian elements in a very convincing way. The game is set at 1200 AD, the catholic church is both a negative force (eg, the crusades, the persecution of pagans) and a positive force (charity, etc) in the game.

the only thing i could think of with a Christian element to it would sound kinda cheezy...

Left Behind: Online

Basically, it''d be the tribulation in an MMORPG setting. read Revelation and the Left Behind books for mor information.
Programmers of the world, UNTIE!
Christian element that''d be fun:

Some weird preacher hallows the well of a small village and then wine comes out and everybody parties.
Reward sacrifice. Pretty simple.

Of course if people sacrifice in the hope of getting a reward, that kind of defeats the intent.
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
You might get some good ideas at the Christian Gaming website.

MattS423: A Left Behind-based series of games is already in the works. Probably not MMORPG, but at least somebody thought of it. I think N''Lightning Software is developing it.
ultima 4 & 5 had a virtue system, where you had to follow the good paths to finish the games (there was honesty, compassion, valor, justice, sacrifice, honor, spirituality, and humility). i believe ultima online uses those virtues again, but they aren''t required; you do get a nice boost and special skills if you follow them though.

you could do something similar; pick out some good christian values, categorize them, and give stat bonuses or special powers when characters follow them. just beware: if you make it too blatently christian and preachy it will scare off a good deal of your potential players.
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])

christian elements ...

you are the follower of some guy that hears voices in his and wants to murder all the people that don''t believe in his religion. So you go around murdering non believers. Sounds christian enough.

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