Original post by cilcoder
If it''s an action game, you can''t really have the hero(if he/she is a Christian) go around killing people.
The Bible states that, at the time of the crucifiction, Jesus could call twelve legions of angels to his rescue. According to Dictionary.com, a legion is: "The major unit of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 infantry troops and 100 to 200 cavalry troops." That is, Jesus could call roughly 36,000 to 72,000 angels to kill a ton of Romans. Also, let''s not forget the one single angel kills a few thousand people by himself.
In Milton''s Paradise Lost, there is a battle between the angels and the demons, in which an angel names Abdiel denies Satan to his face. I, personally, would love to see this as a game, and that would make an awesome cut-scene, if done right.
So, you''re right, Cicloder. Christians can''t go around killing people. Have angels do it in stead.