Android Release!!: Week 22 of #8WeekGameDev. FlipTiles:Runner

posted in AntHillPlan
Published June 07, 2019

 Released Android Version Today! Yeah.  It is free, go get it here on the android store.

RlipTile:Runner Google play store
 Mainly I feel relieved as this week 22 of an 8-week project, but still pretty happy with how things went. The iPhone release is coming but Apple is much slower at reviewing and approving each step than Google (business days vs hours or seconds)

 The promo videos and screenshots were the last things to be done.
 On a Mac, iMovie will not create movies of the resolution that Apple wants and apple wants, up to three videos in three resolutions each.
 Same with up to 8 screenshots.
 Google also wants screenshots and a YouTube video but these are pretty standard and easy to make. I used DaVinci Resolve 15 (free, available on OSX and Windows) to edit the videos and take stills from the videos for the screenshots. It also can change the playback speeds of parts of clips, this was useful for showing lots of features in my party management screen but only taking a few seconds of Apple's allowed 30-second clip. Apple wants screenshots over 2048 resolution and DaVinci Resolve 15 does not handle formats that large so I made 3/4 resolution movie, choose my still and scaled them up in PhotoShop. The videos I made with Unity Record package from the package manager. It is a preview package and you should not make builds with it installed. I could not make Android or IOS builds with it installed and had some strange bugs that only occurred after playing a lot with recording on. Although they could be real bugs, I would advise not making any builds with it installed. If you turn both stills and video record on at the same time the gameplay is very slow, but its time delta and movie frame rate will be fine.  For this was a handy feature since I am not that good at my game and I wanted to show high levels when the game has lots of enemies on the screen. the slowed time let me get all features in one take before dying.


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