Toys: Week 17 of #8WeekGameDev. FlipTiles:Runner

posted in AntHillPlan
Published June 05, 2019

Everyone loves toys. So I made a toy theme. Not much coding this week, only one new feature and it was just an extension not a completely new feature. 
I added Avatar Rewards for getting over 100 on a level. 

First Toys. The main change is using straight lines for the corners, not 1/4 circles. This makes playing much easier. I guess we are better at following straight lines than curves.

After passing 100 rows of tiles I added an avatar from the next theme as a reward. Going from top to bottom the images below show. 1) First placement, the new avatar is hidden behind score and buttons. 2) Better placement. 3) Some avatars are too small. 4) Adjusted size. 5) Testing Avatar comes up from below.

Finally, I made a screen in the editor to show all the Avatars and their powers in one place.  This made reviewing settings much easier. In this screenshot Dwarf theme avatars are missing.

Toy mall obstacles.png

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