This whole racists point of view on the argument just mystifies me. This is the same mentality a lot people are taking in the US as well, that if you have issues with immigrants, you are racist. I would argue that people don't give two thoughts to the color of your skin, people care about culture, values, ethics and any other number of defining moral characteristics. Very often, these things don't always align with the majority of the population. You are lying to yourself if you think otherwise.
Well done; you managed to completely misunderstand the misrepresent what I said... *slow clap*
I didn't make a single claim about immigration in the quoted text.
Nor, in the unquoted text, did I say that people who had problems with immigration are racists.
What I said was that the only people who are happy now are the racists.
You know, those people who have been putting leaflets through Polish people's doors telling them to go home.
Or, as reported on the news last night, the people who told a guy of Indian/Pakistani decent (based on skin tone and bone structure) that because we voted out he has to go home - the guy is Welsh. Was born in Wales. Has a Welsh accent.
Those people have been emboldened by the 'leave' vote as they now THINK that the majority is behind them; the fact they are racists means they are fucking morons anyway, so that belief makes sense from their twisted insane point of view.
So you are lying to yourself if you don't think people give two thoughts to the colour of your skin, because some people do. If they didn't they wouldn't be out there telling integrated 2nd and 3rd generation British people to 'go home' and 'get out because we voted out' and other less charming phrases because they aren't white.
(There are plenty of other stories about the place where people doing their job have been laughed at and told they have to go home now; or woke up the day of the result to find people shouting 'make Britain white' in connection to the leave vote. It doesn't take much to find evidence of people being racist idiots in connection with this vote.)
If you think otherwise then you are lying to yourself.
And we are talking 'Earth is the centre of the universe' level lying.