:Referendum of the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union:
As of when I posted this, 85% of poling stations have reported in -
51.6% leave
48.4% stay
What do you think is going to happen with the EU, UK, and the world at large?
:Referendum of the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union:
As of when I posted this, 85% of poling stations have reported in -
51.6% leave
48.4% stay
What do you think is going to happen with the EU, UK, and the world at large?
I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
There were huge advantages and disadvantages to both sides. But for me leaving the EU just about marginally tops it... so IMHO Brexit is marginally the right decision.
EU would have worked, but it needed huge reforms, ... reforms that the current leaders are too reluctant and less radical carry out, they have very little enthusiasm to carry out the necessary reforms that would have made the union suitable for widely different economies - so yeah Brexit.
With countries with such a wide gap between their economies
then Britain, France, Germany... were net contributors to EU while others where net beneficiaries
Britain, was a net recipient of migrants - many of these contribute massively positively to the economy, but there were also massive pressures on public services and also there were migrants for benefits - these disadvantages outweighs the advantages - hence for me Brexit is right, but its marginal
The common market was good though
The shock of the exit has started and its going to be huge, but when it calms down then the positive benefits of being outside the EU would start to be felt
can't help being grumpy...
Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...
do not trust the "leaders".
The markets will bounce back and life will go on like it always has. The EU is VERY new and England has ruled itself for more than a millennia. This will not have a long term impact on the UK, although it may destroy the EU. Even then, all of the EU states have existed for centuries.
I was somewhat on the fence with my vote (pros and cons both sides) but now that the results are in I do feel disappointed. It was very close though and it's worrying to think a lot of votes will no doubt be mindlessly patriotic votes spurred on by propaganda. I've seen masses and masses of 'leave the EU' stuff being drilled into me but the only 'stay' things I've seen are things I've had to actively go out and find. To see near 50:50 when I consider all that really worries me..
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