
what *games* are everyone working on?

Started by April 21, 2000 10:28 AM
102 comments, last by thos 24 years, 9 months ago
ok, man something funny happened to that last post, so I deleted and reposted. I also posted this in the Your Announcements section, but no one ever looks at that.

This is the game I'm currently working on. Please try it out and tell me if it works or not, thanks.

Orangeyfats Shooter

It should work with 95/98/NT/2000???

left mouse - fires
right mouse - releases nuke
shoot the smoking orangeyfat for a machine gun bonus.


Edited by - ao on 4/29/00 7:38:44 PM

Edited by - ao on 4/29/00 7:56:21 PM
Play free Java games at:
im going to create a top-down 2d action game. the main thing i want is great fun-factor and reply value, but the graphics and artificial intelligence are going to be awesome too. thinking about 320x200x256 (first version anyway, next version may jump upto 640x480).

this is going to be a great game, just need to get the time to code on it.

> Jesus Christ is Lord _ jeremiah _ ALL God, never me <
> Gen 29:20 _ 2 Cor 12:10 _ Luke 12:22-34 _ Joshua 1:5 <
ive finished remakes of tetris, pacman, and galaxian. email me for a copy at
I made the legendary Bunnies At War... am coding Bunnies At War 2 and a cool 3d game which I'm not divulging info about yet(it's not a fps, thanx goodness)

Bunnies At War - A new wave in bunnydom!

Edited by - SeanHowe on 4/29/00 8:45:27 PM
I''m currently programming the engine for a racing game, which will have a top down perspective like GTA. In OpenGL, Visual C++ 6

i am currently getting started on a tactical rpg, kinda like final fantasy tactics or vandal hearts
How many games have I started.. hmm... maybe 10 in the past year.. how many have I finished.. 0?

I just get tired of it and give up.. even though I make good progress... anybody else have this problem??

Well my latest project, Rolf, actually has some money potential, so I haven''t given up on that one yet
I just hit the 200k source code mark too

It''s a roguelike that has a real-time interface, sort of like nox.. except I''m no artist, so the graphics engine is vector based.. lines, circles, and other primitives.. yuck, eh? Well it looks better than if I drew the art, that''s for sure..

Anybody want to be my artist?!
Hey, there's nothing wrong with vector graphics! (I'm only saying this because my engine's vector based )

So far, I only dropped one game I was developing. It's because I hadn't done much on it and I thought of a better version. Actually, I guess I didn't "drop" it, I just "evolved" it. A LOT.

E:cb woof!

Edited by - dog135 on 5/3/00 5:31:53 PM
E:cb woof!
I'm currently working on a 3D breakout clone (freeware) (an early version of which can be downloaded from my website), a hover car racing game (commercial - hopefully ), and a 3D modeller (because I'm too cheap to buy one).

Here's a screenshot of my game:

Edited by - benjamin bunny on 5/3/00 6:12:02 PM | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

I''m currently working on a multiplayer space combat game, a la star control melee. It used Direct3D for sprite rotation/zoom. Up to 4 players can duke it out on the screen, and choose from 36 different ships.

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