Weekly Updates #70 - Deep in the jungle

Published November 30, 2019

Hello! it's me! I'm back again this Saturday for your favourite weekly update blog! This week was mainly devoted to design and graphics. Since the generic challenges are now over, it was time to implement the challenges of the jungle. It took a while, especially since I had to work from the main lines. Thus I needed to test and experiment using basic prototypes and then add the details bit by bit. This update also didn't have any minor updates at all...

But anyway, let's get started!

New Textures 

First, I managed to add two new texture that is very "jungle". All these textures have been baked by hand and are 100% original.

Each texture has its own normal map and ambient occlusion map. Mix it all together at a very low resolution and you got pretty good results.

For starters, here's a vegetal texture. I could only describe it as some kind of thorny liana.

It's mostly used to give a dense vegetation effect in jungle areas. Here's how it looks in-game:

It's also used in jungle-themed challenges but we will come back to it later.

And, finally, here's a rope net texture.

This texture is mainly used as a safety net. In certain jungle challenges, you could spot some at normal difficulty.

New Challenge

And finally, here is the first challenge of the jungle. This challenge consists of taking altitude in the air to cross a body of water.

Once in the heights, a tree bridge system allows the player to cross to the other side.

First, players pass a small suspension bridge. Then, it's moving platforms time!

This challenge also got some secrets. But only ace explorers can find them!

In its hard mode, the water becomes poisonous.

But anyway, here is the video!

Next Week

So next week I'm planning to continue jungle levels. I'm also planning on upgrading generic challenges but that's only if I have the time.

Otherwise, it's your usual suspects. 

So yeah! See you next week!

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