
Latest Textures Activity

9 Slicing in OpenGL, want to have the center of the texture repeat instead of stretch

You can only accomodate arbitrary sizes with one 9-slices asset by allowing some stretching of the border and/or of the repeated interior. If your tolerance for stretching is low you might need variant assets to use with different output sizes.

For example, suppose the initial and final border in yo…

 Texture bleed when using tiling + mipmaps

@JoeJ Thanks, that sent me on quite a long derivative trip but finally I fond the solution. In terms of the approach mentioned in the kronos forum link, it looks like this:

uv = beg + size * fract(uv * tile);

vec2 smooth_uv = size * tile * vuv;
vec4 duv = vec4(dFdx(smooth_uv), dFdy(smooth_uv));

How do I fix these normal map baking distortions?

I suspect that at least some of the “waviness” might be caused by either the form of the low-poly mesh, or--more likely I suspect--the triangulation of the low-poly mesh. You might perhaps experiment with a single region that shows such waviness, explicitly triangulating first in one way and then i…


I've done something similar for code that compiles to WASM and runs in a browser. For very small things (Tank Wars, Space Invaders, etc) it works fine!

I would avoid having the caller do the indirect, though. If you need a texture, and there is a texture ID for each semantic texture in your game, ju…


If you use a texture array where each “channel ” (diffuse/spec/normal/emissive) has an associated index for each material, you could use a special index to indicate that it should use a default value instead of sampling an actual texture. Then in the shader you could just branch on checking for tha…

April 23, 2020 07:32 PM
Substance Painter 2020.1 Now Available

Substance Painter 2020.1 (6.1.0) delivers a brand new exporter, Python scripting, a new curvature baker, new content, and lots of other workflow improvements, including:

  • New export window with easier and more configurable ways to export textures from a project. You can choose custom file formats, bi…
November 30, 2019 10:48 PM
Weekly Updates #70 - Deep in the jungle

Hello! it's me! I'm back again this Saturday for your favourite weekly update blog! This week was mainly devoted to design and graphics. Since the generic challenges are now over, it was time to implement the challenges of the jungle. It took a while, especially since I had to work from the main li…

September 16, 2019 09:34 AM
Dev Diary #037 - Amūńe, The Old One

Hello and welcome to this weeks Dev Diary!

Today I would like to continue where I left off last week and that is texturing of the created heightmap. As it happens every so often, I had to redo the heightmap for two reasons;

  • In order to get a more precise heightmap of the area and...
  • To have th…
    June 20, 2019 08:08 AM
    Weekly Recap #27: Troglodyte House and video!

    Hi guys,

    Sorry for the waiting. I was on a long weekend :3

    Last week, we started to work on other things than rocks for the second biome in Nanotale. That little house is the first step to create a troglodyte village.

    And here's a new concept art showing you some elements from the Sunken Caves'…

    June 11, 2019 01:18 PM
    Weekly Recap #26: The Sunken Caves in 3D

    Hi Fox Riders, 

    I hope that you enjoyed your weekend as much as we did. 

    Before our long weekend, we started some modeling for our second biome And because it's called the Sunken Caves it will ofc start with rocks!

    There are multiple entrances to the Sunken Caves but the main one is located North f…

    November 23, 2018 05:48 PM
    UI refinements

    I have UI almost completed (at least for rendering and atlas management parts). I can render (using FreeType) glyphs from multiply fonts onto multi-pages atlas. There is now some basic management for viewing/browsing images. Everything is Qt-based so application is still cross-platform. I have add…

    Kjell Andersson
    April 18, 2018 07:19 AM
    Caustics Generator 5.0 Available

    Spectral rendering enters the computer graphics world. After a period with not that many feature improvements, Dual Heights Software have now finally released a new major version of their water texture generator software called Caustics Generator. The new version includes full spectrum color rende…
