UI refinements

posted in DevJournal for project QLMesh 2.0
Published November 23, 2018

I have UI almost completed (at least for rendering and atlas management parts). I can render (using FreeType) glyphs from multiply fonts onto multi-pages atlas. There is now some basic management for viewing/browsing images. Everything is Qt-based so application is still cross-platform. I have added initial SVG export too.

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These programs are really useful, I've used several in the past. I would encourage you to add lots of options for varying the colour / presentation of the text, if possible (I see you have outline already). In the past I've taken the output of such programs and edited in photoshop but it would be far quicker and easier to do within the program. Particularly things like gradients of colour across the characters, which is difficult to do externally. You could even add normal map / PBR channels, texturing etc.

Also subpixel rendering like cleartype is really handy, maybe with switching RGB / BGR and parameters if possible.

November 24, 2018 02:33 PM
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