What kinds of entities do you have? If it is related to ECS, you should know that Entities are considered to be no more than IDs pointing to their components or vice versa.
If you read the blog post I wrote about in my previous post and decide to implement your own data structures like vector and array, you're in a good position to also implement your own object pools. I did that and everything I have which uses data under the hood inherits from my array class. It doesn't do much, just keep track of a data pointer and size as same as offer some utility functions to operate on elements.
First you should internalize that in C++ unlike other “high programming languages”, everything is just memory. An object is pointless as it is just a blog of memory and a pointer to the vtable. Once you got this, everything will be a lot easier because you could start to convert pointers into everything. Get an array or vector class, allocate a certain amount of bytes and you're ready to go for your very own object pool.
I've written a lockless object pool for our C# tooling code which you could easily adapt to be used in C++. It is simply a block of memory and a collection of pointers which point to the free memory addresses. I'm using platform atomics to swap free and used pointers