SDL & Fonts Part 2: PrintStrings

Published July 09, 2003 by Doug Manley, posted by Myopic Rhino
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Really, all you need is to understand that we're rendering text in this example. If you want to have the code working, you'll need SDL, SDL_TTF, and a compiler :-)

A special thank-you to Ernest Pazera for all his friendly input.


The reason why I wrote SDL & Fonts was because I found SDL_TTF very confusing to use. I talked to Sam about it, and he gave me some help, but I know that reading an article is much nicer than cursing at .C files, looking for some help (from experience).

Last time, on GameDev...

Last time, we set up SDL_TTF and wrote a few functions to make SDL a little easier. Still, rendering text is a mess. To address this (and because SDL_TTF doesn't like the '\n' character), we'll be making PrintStrings() today.


Okay, let's recap on how to draw some text:

// Step 1: Load a font and give it a point-size:
TTF_Font fntArial12 = TTF_OpenFont( "arial.ttf", 12 );
// Step 2: Render to an SDL_Surface:
SDL_Color clrBlack = { 0,0,0, 0 };
// (or use newSDL_Color( 0,0,0 );)
SDL_Surface *sText =
  TTF_RenderText_Solid( fntArial12, "Hello.", clrBlack );
// Step 3: Blit that to the screen:
SDL_Rect rcDest = { 20,50, 0,0 };
// (or use newSDL_Rect( 20,50, 0,0 );)
SDL_BlitSurface( sText,NULL, screen,&rcDest );

So, PrintStrings() should do something like that. So, for our first version of PrintStrings, we'd need to pass it a destination, a font, the text, where to draw it, and a color. Also, I'm using "standard strings" (std::string) for the text so that we can do some convenient operations on the text.

void PrintStrings( SDL_Surface *sDest, TTF_Font *fnt, String str,
                   SDL_Rect &rc, SDL_Color clr ) {
  SDL_Surface *sText = TTF_RenderText_Solid( fnt, str.c_str(), clr );
  SDL_BlitSurface( sText,NULL, sDest,&rc );
  SDL_FreeSurface( sText );

Right now, all that does is save about 2 lines of code. But if we want to do multiple lines, it'll save a lot more than that. To this effect, SDL_TTF provides a nice function called TTF_FontLineSkip(). If you don't use this function for determining spacing and blit the lines one under the other, the text may be spaced really far apart. It sort of looks like double-spacing on some fonts (some fonts don't have this problem at all).

So, if you draw a line at (0,20), you should draw the next line at (0,20+TTF_FontLineSkip(fnt)). That makes the text look normal. With that in mind, let's make another PrintStrings() that can handle multiple lines. Let's also add another color for the background.

void PrintStrings( SDL_Surface *sDest, TTF_Font *fnt, String str,
                   SDL_Rect &rc, SDL_Color clrFg, SDL_Color clrBg ) {
  int lineSkip = TTF_FontLineSkip( font );  // Get the line-skip value.
  int width = 0, height = 10;
  std::vector vLines; // these are the individual lines.
  // Break the String into its lines:
  int n = 0;
  while( n != -1 ) {
    // Get until either '\n' or '\0':
    String strSub;
    n = str.find( '\n', 0 ); // Find the next '\n'
    strSub = str.substr( 0,n );
    if( n != -1 ) {
      str = str.substr( n+1, -1 );
    // Get the size of the rendered text:
    int w = 0;
    TTF_SizeText( font, strSub.c_str(), &w,&height );
    if( w > width ) {  width = w;  }
    // (really, we just want to see how wide this is going to be)

  // Since the width was determined earlier, get the height:
  // (vLines.size() == Number of Lines)
  height = (vLines.size()-1) * lineSkip + height; // plus the first line
  // (we assume that height is the same for all lines.)

  // Make the surface to which to blit the text:
  sText = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, width,height, 
  // (it's compatible with the destination Surface

  // Now, fill it with the background color:
  SDL_FillRect( sText,NULL, clrBg );

  // Actually render the text:
  SDL_Surface *sTemp = NULL;
  for( int i = 0; i < vLines.size(); i++ ) {
    // The rendered text:
    sTemp = TTF_RenderText_Solid( font, vLines.c_str(), clrFg );
    // Put it on the surface (sText):
    SDL_BlitSurface( sTemp,NULL,
      sText,&(SDL_Rect)newSDL_Rect(0,i*lineSkip,0,0) );
  // Clean up:
  SDL_FreeSurface( sTemp );
  // So, now we have a nice bitmap (sText) that has all the text on it.

  // Draw the text on the destination:
  SDL_BlitSurface( sText,NULL, dest,&rc );
  SDL_FreeSurface( sText );

That's a lot longer, and it saves you a lot of time to call PrintStrings() instead of manually printing each line. This is a medium-strength version of PrintStrings(). The one that I use has one extra parameter: "int flags." You can OR a bunch of parameters to PrintStrings() this way. One of them doesn't draw to the destination; it returns the surface instead. Another aligns the text (like left, centered, right). Another draws transparently.

I've copied the almost-full-power version here (I haven't needed some things implemented yet, so they're still un-coded):

const int PS_ALIGN_LEFT =  1;
const int PS_ALIGN_CENTER =  2;
const int PS_ALIGN_RIGHT =  4;
const int PS_CREATE_SURFACE =  8;
const int PS_TRANSPARENT_BG =  16;
const int PS_BLENDED =    32;
SDL_Surface* PrintStrings( SDL_Surface *dest, TTF_Font *font,
                           String str, SDL_Rect &rc, SDL_Color clrFg,
                           SDL_Color clrBg, int flags ) {
/* This function prints "str" with font "font" and color "clrFg"
 * onto a rectangle of color "clrBg".
 * It does not pad the text.
 * If CREATE_SURFACE is NOT passed, the function returns NULL,
 *otherwise, it returns an SDL_Surface * pointer.
  // If there's nothing to draw, return NULL:
  if( str.length() == 0 || font == NULL ) {
    return( NULL );

  // This is the surface that everything is printed to.
  SDL_Surface *sText = NULL;
  int lineSkip = TTF_FontLineSkip( font );
  int width = 10, height = 10;
  std::vector vLines;
  // Break the String into its lines:
  int n = 0;
  while( n != -1 ) {
    // Get until either "\n" or "\0":
    String strSub;
    n = str.find( '\n', 0 );
    strSub = str.substr( 0,n );
    if( n != -1 ) {
      str = str.substr( n+1, -1 );
    int w = 0;
    // Get the size of the rendered text.
    TTF_SizeText( font, strSub.c_str(), &w,&height );
    if( w > width ) {  width = w;  }
  // vLines.size() == Number of Lines.
  // we assume that height is the same for all lines.
  height = (vLines.size()-1) * lineSkip + height;
  // dest CAN'T be NULL if you're creating the surface!
  if( dest != NULL && (flags&PS_CREATE_SURFACE) ) {
    printf("dest != NULL with PS_CREATE_SURFACE!\n");
  if( dest == NULL ) {
    if( flags&PS_CREATE_SURFACE ) {
      // Create a "dest" to which to print:
      dest = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, width,
          height, BPP, 0,0,0,0 );
    } else {
      printf("There was no surface.\n(Exiting function...)\n");
  sText = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, width,height,
    dest->format->BitsPerPixel, dest->format->Rmask,dest->format->Gmask,
    dest->format->Bmask,dest->format->Amask );

  // Color in the rectangle on the destination:
  if( flags&PS_TRANSPARENT_BG ) {
    // If the fg & bg colors are the same, we need to fix it:
    if( clrFg == clrBg ) {
      if( clrFg == BLACK ) {
        clrBg = WHITE;
      } else {
        clrBg = BLACK;
    SDL_FillRect( sText,NULL,
      SDL_MapRGB(sText->format,clrBg.r,clrBg.g,clrBg.b) );
         SDL_MapRGB(sText->format,clrBg.r,clrBg.g,clrBg.b) );
  } else {
    SDL_FillRect( sText,NULL, clrBg );
  // Actually render the text:
  SDL_Surface *sTemp = NULL;
  for( int i = 0; i < vLines.size(); i++ ) {
    // The rendered text:
    if( flags & PS_BLENDED ) {
      sTemp = TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, vLines.c_str(), clrFg );
    } else {
      sTemp = TTF_RenderText_Solid( font, vLines.c_str(), clrFg );
    // Put it on the surface:
    if( (flags&PS_ALIGN_LEFT) ||
         !(flags&PS_ALIGN_CENTER ||
         flags&PS_ALIGN_RIGHT) ) {
      // If it's specifically LEFT or none of the others:
      SDL_BlitSurface( sTemp,NULL, sText,
          &(SDL_Rect)newSDL_Rect(0,i*lineSkip,0,0) );
    if( flags & PS_ALIGN_CENTER ) {
      int w = 0, h = 0; TTF_SizeText( font, vLines.c_str(), &w,&h );
      SDL_BlitSurface( sTemp,NULL, sText,
          &(SDL_Rect)newSDL_Rect(width/2-w/2,i*lineSkip,0,0) );
    if( flags & PS_ALIGN_RIGHT ) {
      printf("ERROR: PrintStrings()::PS_ALIGN_RIGHT:"
          "Oops, this hasn't been implemented yet\n");
    // Clean up:
    SDL_FreeSurface( sTemp );
  if( flags & PS_CREATE_SURFACE ) {
    SDL_FreeSurface( dest );
    return( sText );
  // Draw the text on top of that:
  SDL_BlitSurface( sText,NULL, dest,&rc );
  SDL_FreeSurface( sText );


Thanks for your support, and if you need anything, feel free to e-mail me at

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Possible topics: GetString(), RenderClass, SuperTimer.

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Continues where the previous article left off, covering how to handle multiple lines of text.
