
Texture seams with COLLADA-imported models

Started by March 19, 2021 12:19 PM
0 comments, last by RobM 3 years, 6 months ago

Does anyone know if there is anything special you need to do with texture coordinates when importing models using the COLLADA format? I've been downloading some models from Mixamo, the model itself looks good but I'm getting some ugly texture seams around the model and they always occur on the border between diffuse elements in the albedo texture. This happens for any model I try and convert. Here's an example:

Seems around the shoulders
The albedo texture

I knocked up a quick texture to see if I could see what part of the texture the stretched part was accessing:

Simple test texture
Looks like the seams are across the texture vertically

I know there's nothing wrong with the DAE file as, when I load it into Unity, it looks fine:

Same model/texture loaded into Unity

I don't do anything special with my importer, other than reversing the vertex wind order and negating Z, and 99% of the texture coordinates are correct, it's just around the seams it's wrong.

Edit: Solved it. I was sharing common vertices to save on space but of course similar vertices will have different texture coordinates.

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