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Blender Collada Exporter

Thanks for the post. I can't believe I missed the Axis transformation matrix that gets saved out, thanks for pointing that out. It certainly looks like it's doing some manipulation in there.

So if I export a model with bones and animation, would I only apply that transformation matrix to the vertice…


I’m working on ‘retargeting’ my skeleton so that it can be used with different animations. Well, to be more precise, I’m actually retargeting the animation data.

I’ve downloaded a few of the Mixamo animations to test with and I can render them fine with the skeleton that comes with it (I’m using COL…

Vanda Engine is a free open source game engine for 3D game and realtime interactive 3D

When I started game engine development, many thought it was impossible for one person to build a game engine. But I proved that I could build a game engine with an old computer without a budget. Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Vanda Engine is a free and open source game engine fo…

Texture seams with COLLADA-imported models

Does anyone know if there is anything special you need to do with texture coordinates when importing models using the COLLADA format? I've been downloading some models from Mixamo, the model itself looks good but I'm getting some ugly texture seams around the model and they always occur on the bord…
