
What makes a human different from monkeys/other animals

Started by May 14, 2020 07:20 PM
178 comments, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 3 months ago

20 - 30 years back Terminator and Robocop were pure fiction. Today 16 - 05 - 2020 it`s pure science.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

Calin said:

20 - 30 years back Terminator and Robocop were pure fiction. Today 16 - 05 - 2020 it`s pure science.


What does that picture mean NikiTo?

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

What picture?

The structure of a brain is well known. Differences between species are mapped. Impulses can be used to for example control prostheses. We are in 2020 and some time has passed since the first observations. It is, as with many things, only because some people are having problems understanding doesn't mean that others can't. The claims presented above about how science advances is outright ignorant.

It is also totally nonsense to assume that any natural science relies on single persons these days, or that scientists don't talk and exchange their thoughts. Apart from very isolated detail questions most modern work is done in groups, some of them distributed over the whole world. The scientific method keeps keeps the standards high. Some experiments are extremely expensive and require public funding, others last years to decades. Publications take a long time, require a lot of manpower, discussion, presentations, comparison with other work.

If you guys think that your comic-strip level knowledge and your assault on intelligence and reason has any real world representation you are severly mistaken. You don't even know what these findings mean that you post here, apart from a half read and totally misunderstood Wikipedia article, maybe. This bunk here should finally be put to rest, to stop creaping further. Go write programs, if you can !

A slightly annoyed user.

Green_Baron said:
The structure of a brain is well known. Differences between species are mapped. Impulses can be used to for example control prostheses.

We do not even know what we are missing. What we know is not enough to replicate or simulate a brain. We can make our brains to control prostheses, but we can not make a brain that controls our bodies, or AI that controls robots to act like humans. Otherwise…

Green_Baron said:
Go write programs, if you can !

Exactly this would happen, and instead coding Einsteins they would code Robocops and Terminators with boobs.


Reverse engineering brain will take decades, but you don`t need to reverse engineer it to guess the broad steps of what it does

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

@joej : i haven't said we can replicate a brain.

But we know well how it works and we can use currents to make it see and feel and use its currents to control things. And further advances are quick in that area. We can indeed control body functions by stimulating brain regions (like limb movement, or images in the visual cortex), pain teatment is another field, rewiring after a lesion, though that's cutting edge, if i may say so. So there goes your claim.

Suggesting a programming project to manipulate people, e.g. via their cellphone or similar device, by sending messages/images/activating smells in the surrounding, anything that triggers the senses in a subconcious way, for example into buying things, or entering restaurant just when they pass it, this sort of things. Totally uninvasive, almost subtle, … you know their position, the time of day, other's around in the area, partcipating merchant places, … wouldn't that be an idea (it's not mine) ?

And, guys, as a general rule, before you put forward claims about anything that you might have heard or read, at least try to do some research, because that is how reasonable grown up people and fruitful discussions advance !

Green_Baron said:
Guys, as a general rule, before you put forward claims, at least try to do some research, because that is how reasonable grown up people and fruitful discussions advance !


Green_Baron said:
Impulses can be used to for example control prostheses.

Are you sure you know what you are talking about? Isn't the man with the prostheses moving a muscle under his skin in the place of contact and the prostheses detecting that and moving the plastic hand?
If you mean that, by “mind controlled prostheses” you are not understanding the meaning of “mind controlled”.

(NOTE: Neuralink is sci fiction. Neuralink does not exist!)

Few quotes to be ignored by the all-knowing…

It`s all cool guys. Green_Baron interesting insight into biology thanks! we`re not fighting here though, we`re just throwing ideas in the pool

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

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