
What makes a human different from monkeys/other animals

Started by May 14, 2020 07:20 PM
178 comments, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 3 months ago






Ajay47 said:


It`s CGI (render) its not real.

@nikito Robocop had a computer instead of a brain, or of just an agumented reality helmet, because of AR you can`t tell for sure if he had biological brain.

Since we hit the AR subject what do you think about self-driving cars?

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

The brain isn't terribly difficult to understand. It's an organic biological processor capable of expansion (to a certain degree) and regeneration. The mystery comes into play when considering how it calls on data stores and what defines the hierarchy structure. We know instincts are similar to a computers BIOS… hardcoded root data, though thanks to emotion we can produce illogical results that override instincts.

The brain is a vast array of arrays of boolean statements and float weighting. Rather than silicon it's processors are constructed of protein but function via electricity. We are advanced water (blood) cooled CPUs constructed of soft tissues who use both logic and illogical cores.


Leave computer room for a day and check the real world.
The brain IS difficult to understand, especially if it is just such a brain which tries.

… but maybe Terminator AI will soon understand how brains work, before us, sure. pfffhh…
Or your brain is just VR interface for the real you which is on an alien planet in another universe. (in a garage full of computers XD )

Or a brain uses quantum mechanics we will never ever discover at all.

JoeJ said:
especially if it is just such a brain which tries

that`s not a valid argument, it`s a self imposed limit on what you may achieve.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”


Agree, but it's a more reasonable assumption than ‘brain is not that difficult’.

`difficult` and `complex` two different terms. `difficult` is a subjective word.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

WGS_Stillwater said:
The brain isn't terribly difficult to understand.

In Russia they are building a smaller version of CERN accelerator only to can see better the molecules.

Meanwhile, other people - “We already know how brain works!"

First Image of DNA -

A whole science was build around the personal theory of a single person, Who was not seeing the DNA. He could not see the shape of DNA there, but he IMAGINED how interference of light could POSSIBLY combine and what could be POSSIBLY be shown on the unclear image.

Believe me, i heard in on Youtube.

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