
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

Democratic Party corruption was exposed for the world to see last Friday as emails were publicized by WikiLeaks. The DNC emails were hacked, revealing that the mainstream media has been actively working with Democratic Party officials in secret to deny Bernie Sanders any fair chance in the recent Democratic nominee campaign.

Included in the email scandal are obvious anti-Jewish, anti-atheist, and racist comments and jokes. (Mostly political tactics forming in discussions) Of course, lies about Donald Trump and concealing his real positions on matters were included in the Media / Democratic Party scandal.

It is a corrupt and in some cases illegal Democratic Party / Media complex (Far Left) which is proven by the DNC leaked emails.

In the words of Donald Trump, "Most people see now that I was right. It is a rigged system".

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

They will smear WikiLeaks to break their credibility. The press did it to another group that outed corruption. Yet many can't fathom that corrupt media would go so far as to fabricate things to smear people just to keep their corruption hidden. After two years, I already know how this will end....people that want to hold corrupt media responsible for their corruption will stop using them and find alternative or make their own; while those who want to live with their head in the sand will believe the smear campaigns. Hell look at how the DNC did as soon as the leak happened...instead of admitting it and apologizing they instead blamed Russia as the hackers and immediately wanted the RNC to release their emails..they deflected responsibility by pointing the finger at others. The press are just laughing it off as a fluke thing and ignoring that the DNC chair that stepped down made the comment that there are more emails that will come out that will embarrass DNC even more.


Democratic Party / Media complex (Far Left)

Seriously? The the US democrats / US media / Clinton is "far left"?
They're 'center right' as seen from any other country in the world! The US does not have far left politics at the federal or corporate level.

Democratic Party / Media complex (Far Left)

Seriously? The the US democrats / US media / Clinton is "far left"?
They're 'center right' as seen from any other country in the world! The US does not have far left politics at the federal or corporate level.

This is pretty true actually. Compared to many countries in the West, Hillary is straight up conservative. Even by our own standards in the US she is pretty conservative (hell she supports free trade).

Trump himself is also not an American conservative. He's actually pretty liberal himself, mainly on free trade. This may be a major shift in politics/political parties, although whether it will last or not is up for debate.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

It's been very interesting watching (A) the Democratic party implode following the Wikileaks release of their hacked emails, and (B) Facebook, Twitter, and the mainstream news trying their damndest to suppress knowledge of that leak - including google flagging Wikileaks as a spam/malware site for some time.

It's bad when Trump seems more trustworthy than the opposition...

I'd hardly call it imploding - the DNC convention has been a pretty great display of unity so far. And the leak has been all over the media, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. And you honestly think that google intentionally flagged wikileaks as spam? You believe that, instead of it just being an accident??

And you honestly think that google intentionally flagged wikileaks as spam? You believe that, instead of it just being an accident??

Google (Alphabet) has extremely close ties with the US State department, often acting as a state apparatus. They're not just a technology / advertising company, but also have a lot of other arms, including a "think tank" (PR speak for a privatized federal policy agency). The director of Google Ideas has been jokingly called Google's "director of regime change", and the stratfor leaks showed that they do work on regime change projects. The chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, set up a company to run the digital component of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The impact of search engine manipulation has also been studied already -- it is known that it can be tweaked to be undetectable, and has a massive effect on the voting population:

So, yeah it may all just be coincidence, but it's a completely plausible conspiracy theory (means, motive, opportunity) that google would bend their search algorithm a tiny bit to help achieve US policy objectives...


Hillary approves of NO Borders, unrestricted MASS immigration, welcoming our enemies in huge numbers, and selling the USA to the world - all Far Left points.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

completely plausible conspiracy theory

I would immediately buy that one, if it wasn't much more likely that Google would want Trump as president.

Google is first and foremost a privately owned for-profit, dominate-the-entire-world company. That's not Hillary (... though it's admittedly even less Bernie).

As a "working" conspiracy theory, I'll give you that maybe the present democrat administration forced them to blacklist anti-democrat stuff with some kind of warrant (or simply with guys in black suits knocking at someone's door at 2AM and pronouncing a more or less concrete death threat). But by themselves, I don't quite buy their motive. Google certainly has more of an interest in an obscene, loud, republican president who will e.g. shout: "I give a fuck about EU privacy laws. What's that, consumer rights?" at the appropriate occasion.

That being said, the exact same theory exists for German media (the protest parties have even coined a word for it), and while there is no really 100% conclusive evidence, it has been de-facto confirmed by media representatives, and it appears a lot more plausible.
Unlike in the USA, television is not close to 100% privately owned for-profit, nor is radio. While the constitution explicitly says the exact opposite, the state-owned media factually are under federal control, and they verifiably do tell quite a few lies (if telling only half the truth or deliberately not telling something counts as "lie").

Hillary approves of NO Borders, unrestricted MASS immigration, welcoming our enemies in huge numbers, and selling the USA to the world - all Far Left points.

Nonsense and hyperbole.

No borders? Nope.

I can't even find a claim that Hillary wants unrestricted mass immigration to rebut. Even Trump isn't stupid enough to claim that.

Welcoming your enemies? Not really, screening is extensive

Selling the USA to world? Probably, but isn't that point of capitalism? Sounds like a right wing point to me.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
And you honestly think that google intentionally flagged wikileaks as spam? You believe that, instead of it just being an accident??

Hey guys let me just see what I can vote for this election season

What does Trump call Hillary again? Let me check google

Crooked something?

What's that word she almost got by the FBI?

And what would be a result of it?

And what about her position on gay marriage (being against it prior to just a few years ago)?

I'm expecting the rest of the email leaks to be very entertaining.

Google is first and foremost a privately owned for-profit, dominate-the-entire-world company. That's not Hillary (... though it's admittedly even less Bernie).

haha, nice joke.

Google search results from other regions (for example .au) are normal, ONLY the .com ones are altered like this.

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