
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

You misspelt "republicans". Seriously, what evidence to you have for this? Because the Democrats are not the party with a candidate proposing discriminating against people based on their religion, or pushing voter id laws that disproportionately affect black people.

List goes on. Republicans aren't more racist than Democrats, both sides have some racism. The stereotype that Republicans are more racist is basically a lie perpetuated by media.

If you're going to vote third party, now would be the year to do it. Just make sure you know what that means. If no candidate gets 51% of the vote, the house chooses the president... Say hello to Jeb Bush in that case.

In recent elections, a third party taking even 4-5% from each party could well invalidate an election.

Right it's all the media's fault that Donald Trump is misunderstood as a sexist bigoted idiot. It's all the media's fault that the Democrats aren't the obvious enemy. There is no denying corruption in politics, with democrats, but certainly Trump seems to get a lot of excuses.

Might I ask why minorities, then, consistently vote Democrat?

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Right it's all the media's fault that Donald Trump is misunderstood as a sexist bigoted idiot. It's all the media's fault that the Democrats aren't the obvious enemy. There is no denying corruption in politics, with democrats, but certainly Trump seems to get a lot of excuses.

Might I ask why minorities, then, consistently vote Democrat?

Actually much of the accusations about Trump being sexist/racist are spun stories by the media. Surprisingly they don't hit him where they could actually hurt him in this regard like mentioning him cheating on his ex wife, but maybe they're saving it for closer to November.

Most minorities vote democrat because they do more pandering.

For example, the Democrats gain huge sway in the African American community by pandering things that sound good or appeal to emotion. Check out the DNC email leaks on how they view Hispanic voters. Their strategy is to tell them emotional/personal stories as they determined that's what Hispanics react to the most.

And to secure the black vote they'll stoop to hosting people like this

Literally dragging out mothers of people who committed robbery/assault to say they were good people, and that Hillary will make sure their legacy is remembered...

The Republicans (to their own publically admitted regret, actually) haven't dealt in this sort of race baiting and have lost the minoriy vote as a result. But that's not a static figure either, Asians for example have given the Republican party massive support before, and there's no reason why it couldn't flip back to that against Hillary this November.

You pretty much just repeated the media thing once again. Literally every single obviously stupid move he does, and all we hear is "the media is spinning a lie".

I'm Asian myself (well South Asian technically) and I'll tell you one thing right now, Asians will not support that glorified bigot. Look it up. He does poorly amongst every minority group and most of this has nothing to do with Democratic pandering. Yea there is every reason that minorities won't support him, the first one starting with the KKK support he's had such a tough time disavowing.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Clinton is the most corrupt presidential candidate I've ever seen, and Trump is an insane, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Now,I don't live in USA so I don't have first-hand knowledge of this, but he's hardly "insane", IMO. The thing he says are insane, but I dont think he believes in half the things he says. if at all. He's performing. He's just identified his "target demographic" and is telling them what they want to hear - about the immigrants, the "corrupted traitor establishment", the "global elite" and so on. And of course, as a billionaire, he's part of the "global elite", except you know, he's the good one, and he will change the system(into what? something that benefits the poorer and most vulnerable classes? LOL! ) because he knows it so well. Of course, fascists have historically been against "Big Monay" and also rabidly anti-communist because their target demographic is exactly that : A scared, confused lower middle class that feels threatened by both those below(working class/socialists) and above it("big money"). And of course, the first thing they blame for everything is the "immigrants". It's easy for mostly uneducated, young, and angry people to perceive them as anti-establishment "rebels" because of that rhetoric. I've seen it first hand in my home country(Greece) with Golden Dawn. The funny and kind of "original" thing here, of course, is that he's pretty much the definition of Big Money himself.

I'm so glad I'm not an American these days - imagine being a Bernie supporter and now being in a position that you have to hold your nose and vote for Clinton just to avoid having Trump as a president. Clinton is just...less horrible. And don't worry 3DDreamer, America's interests are protected just fine - drone strikes are carried on as usual from what I hear. Well, when I say "America's interests" I don't mean *your* interests; nobody cares about you as someone else said already. Trump and his billionaire buddies least of all. You(we, I should say) are human ants to them, if even that. :)

You pretty much just repeated the media thing once again. Literally every single obviously stupid move he does, and all we hear is "the media is spinning a lie".

I'm Asian myself (well South Asian technically) and I'll tell you one thing right now, Asians will not support that glorified bigot. Look it up. He does poorly amongst every minority group and most of this has nothing to do with Democratic pandering. Yea there is every reason that minorities won't support him, the first one starting with the KKK support he's had such a tough time disavowing.

Perfect example, actually. Trump disavowed/chastised David Duke multiple times before it blew up that "he refused to disavow the leader of the KKK!"

in 1991, 2000, 2015, and 02/26/2016, 2 days before the interview.

Then he had an interview where "supposedly" he had a bad ear piece and couldn't hear who they were asking him to disavow, so he refused to disavow on the spot, saying he doesn't know anything about them.

Later that day, when he learned who they were asking about, he mmidiately disavowed of Duke (Yet again) on Twitter/facebook and the next morning on major news programs.

Yet, the media went on and on about him refusing to disavow the KKK for weeks.

So... Have you looked at who the KKK is endorsing/has endorsed in the past? Spoilers, this year it's Hillary

Why? Well, because Hillary's been friends with the KKK for decades

Who did the KKK support the past 2 elections? Why, Obama of course

In the case you listed, you were fed 2 media lies

1. The KKK endorsed Trump

2. Trump refused to disavow of the KKK/David Duke

Showing that both of those are false, why does Hillary get a pass when she was good friends with someone who founded a KKK chapter and made a video publically saying how great of a man he was?

What has Trump done that's worse than that?

This is why I always bring up how horrible our media is/how it always tries to spin stories. But it's also the reason why Trump surged after that David Duke incident. The general public was able to see through the bullshit and it worked out great for him. At the rate he's going, he'll probably have a pretty large lead as we get closer to November.



There's still a difference in even your own sources. Your own source claims that Trump should've disavowed right there and then as he knew enough. Your own sources state that Duke was afraid of Obama. The Klan wasn't celebrating his victory either. There's an article on nytimes about that. Moreover, Trump took quite some time before he disavowed Duke. What's he done that's worse? Plenty of things. We can start with his policies of discrimination based on religion. We can talk about his blanket statements on Latinos. He's a hate monger. His own dad was arrested multiple times in KKK rallies. He's had plenty of incidents of racism himself. I'd post sources but I'm on mobile so it's a bit tough. Then there's plenty of other white nationalist groups like storm front etc.

The Hillary campaign called out the KKK as lying, says it right there in your article. Let's leave her campaign aside for a minute. I don't really care much for Hillary in any event.

General public? Hardly. Trump lovers don't want to see anything other than Trump himself. He's got quite a big ass, so seeing beyond it it tough anyways.

Why doesn't Trump get to walk? Because of the loads of bullshit he's been spewing for a while.

EDIT: Looked up more on Byrd. He'd renounced his ties to the KKK some time ago. Just worth noting. Also the Obama endorsement seemed to be a sarcasm according to other sources. I'd love to continue with this but I really should get to my work, so I won't be posting more for at least a while.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

There's still a difference in even your own sources. Your own source claims that Trump should've disavowed right there and then as he knew enough.
It claims that he's disavowed him in the past, and that Trump's excuse was on a faulty ear piece. Trump also disavowed him the same day after the interview was over.

Your own sources state that Duke was afraid of Obama. The Klan wasn't celebrating his victory either. There's an article on nytimes about that.

That's incorrect though. David duke on Obama:

“He was a community activist or a black activist. He’s been in the church for 20 years that — and one of the first principles of that church is that they are, quote, “true to Africa,” loyal to Africa. There is nothing wrong with Barack Obama working and having a long career advancing what he sees as the black community interests or the black perceived interests as a group, collective interest, but I did see it as kind of odd that a man of that stripe would become president of the United States. It seems like — I think I should endorse him for president.”

Duke then commends Barack Obama, saying he can “appreciate the fact that he has achieved — that he got a degree. He’s gone to Harvard University. He has been a teacher. I am today a Ph.D. myself.”

The new york times piece I think you're mentioning has a quote from the leader of the KKK in the 80's saying that there can never be a black president.

How long did he take to disavow him after ending that interview? It's shorter than you think.

His dad was arrested multiple times at KKK rallies? Really?

As BoingBoing stated, the information available in the article made it difficult to figure out whether Trump's father was directly involved in the melee, or simply a bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time. Others were charged with various counts ranging from felonious assault to disorderly behavior, but Trump didn't appear to have been cited for even minor charges.

According to the article, Trump was present at a "near-riot" in Jamaica, Queens, New York in May 1927. By the paper's count, at least 1,100 others were also in attendance. About a thousand Klansmen were also apparently at the rally when an altercation broke out, but whether Trump's father was in any way involved with that was entirely unclear. Numerous people were charged with a variety of counts following the fight, but Trump's father was not charged with anything at all.

While it's possible the elder Trump attended the event along with KKK supporters and Klansmen, it's also possible he was minding his own business in his own neighborhood, and found himself in the middle of an enormous brawl.

Why doesn't Trump get to walk? Because of the loads of bullshit he's been spewing for a while.

He doesn't get a walk on valid issues, but the issues Democrats have been trying to raise against him are mostly invalid/based on a shaky premise or outright lie. Besides, he's not my first pick either, but he's better than Hillary by a huge margin, and US politics is a 2 person race.

EDIT: Looked up more on Byrd. He'd renounced his ties to the KKK some time ago. Just worth noting. Also the Obama endorsement seemed to be a sarcasm according to other sources. I'd love to continue with this but I really should get to my work, so I won't be posting more for at least a while.

He FOUNDED a KKK chapter..... FOUNDED one. Check out his speeches from that time, including the one where he called black WW2 soldiers worthless, and how he'd rather die than be forced to fight alongside one.

This is really getting nowhere. The KKK has on multiple occasions stated how much they hate Obama. Internet is littered with said examples. There are also sources claiming that Obama endorsement was sarcasm.

Every source I've seen said that it took Truml a full day before he said anything. It took Trump a full day to realize that they were talking about David Duke? Really? You're willing to believe that?

What about all the ridiculous stuff Trump has said before? And the neo NaZi stuff he's retweeted? Or all the white nationalist support? What excuses will you spin there?

Is Hillary Clinton a racist? Maybe. At least she hasn't said obviously bigoted thighs that Trump has. I don't like her at all in any event, so there's hardly any reason for me to care.

Trumps got plenty of racism himself to answer for in any case. Obvious racism.

I'm going to leave this entire thing at this: you can and never will be able to convince me that Donald Trump is anything but a bigoted sexist racist fat ass whose whole campaign is basically running on the insecurities of white men. You want to convince me Clinton ks terrible? Sure, I'll say it right now, she's terrible. But she ain't a demagogue. Third party or Clinton. Those are the only options for me. Thing is third party is unlikely to really make a dent.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

This thread has certainly shown one thing: The extent to which people can twist logic and facts to support their existing beliefs is just astonishing. Especially in this day and age when we can mostly limit ourselves to consuming media which reinforces what we already believe.

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