
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

The only point I was trying to make is that Democrats have been just as racist in recent history as Republicans.

As an imperialistic conservative libertarian who tends to vote Republican, I disagree with that.

Democrat leaders push liberal values to get into and stay in office, and then screw over the public with more orwellian government policies ("For your own good!").
Republican leaders push conservative values to get into and stay in office, and then screw over the public with more dystopian pro-corporate policies ("For the good of... oh, why even pretend? We were paid to.").

And ofcourse, they all do a mix of everything, and both parties have a mix of everyone.

Both groups have racists, but in general, some Republican leaders do seem to push slightly more racist policies believing (unfortunately correctly) that it'll appeal to a few small sub-segments of their voting base that might otherwise vote differently.

It's possible that trump is just "acting" like a racist, misogynist narcissist, but I can't really afford to judge candidates by any other means than their words and actions. Likewise, after Benghazi and an email scandal, hillary is either hopelessly corrupt or hopelessly inept, and I can't in good conscience apply Hanlon's Razor to a presidential candidate. Email scandal #2 certainly doesn't paint her in any better of a light, even if most of it is the DNC at large.


During the Obama years, all that a non-white person needs to do is set foot on USA soil and the government gives them eventual citizenship. This means that the borders - deliberately unprotected - have millions of people pouring into the USA.

Whites who want to come to the USA legally have a very long and difficult process to becoming a USA citizen - much harder than Latinos pouring over the border.

When my grandparents came to the USA, their families paid their own way and there was absolutely no social welfare program for immigrants.

Now illegal aliens only walk across the border and they are granted all kinds of free help on their way to USA citizenship, costing tens of thousands of US tax dollars.

We have traitors in government, education, and media who approve of the destruction of the USA by unrestricted mass immigration. We are going to have a 21 trillion dollar national debt soon and can not afford to help millions of people per year to come to the USA.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

It's possible that trump is just "acting" like a racist, misogynist narcissist, but I can't really afford to judge candidates by any other means than their words and actions.

By words and actions, I think Trump is a misogynist and narcissistic, but not racist. Apart from deliberate misinterpations of his comments by the media to generate click-bait, his comments haven't seemed all that racist to me once you analyze them. Yes, I know you can give me twenty different examples that are media stirred-up to look racist to commercialize people's self-righteous outrage, but his policies (temporarily suspend muslim immigration, build a wall with mexico, etc...) weren't because of race, even though they involve races. They were (A) because of (ignorance of) terrorism, and (B) because of economics and jobs. They don't indicate to me underlying racism, just underlying ignorance. His comments towards women do indicate blatant sexism, and his comments towards himself are blatantly egotistic.

I'm anti-Trump, btw, so I'm not trying to defend him.


During the Obama years, all that a non-white person needs to do is set foot on USA soil and the government gives them eventual citizenship. This means that the borders - deliberately unprotected - have millions of people pouring into the USA.

Whites who want to come to the USA legally have a very long and difficult process to becoming a USA citizen - much harder than Latinos pouring over the border.

When my grandparents came to the USA, their families paid their own way and there was absolutely no social welfare program for immigrants.

Now illegal aliens only walk across the border and they are granted all kinds of free help on their way to USA citizenship, costing tens of thousands of US tax dollars.

We have traitors in government, education, and media who approve of the destruction of the USA by unrestricted mass immigration. We are going to have a 21 trillion dollar national debt soon and can not afford to help millions of people per year to come to the USA.

Sorry, but not a single word of that is true.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Seems like an appropriate time to post this:

An extremly well made summary on how they he has risen to power. Still today, even here in europe many people don't get the fact that a) the germans were not more antisemitic than about every other country in the world, antisemtism was just more en vogue back then, b) the germans didn't want a war... they just wanted to find a way out of their economic crisis, and they were angry about the treatment of germany after WW1, which, in hindsight, WAS pretty unfair given there wasn't a single nation that didn't contribute on WW1 breaking out in europe, really. Germans might have "fired the first shot", but military leaders all over europe were excited about a new war, and politic leaders and the general public were misguided by raging nationalism.

And to be honest, "the first shot" wasn't fired by germany, it was fired on an austrian royal. If it was staged or not AFAIK is not clear to this day.

So the whole situation after WW1 was one big F*CKUP by ALL of europe not having learned a single bit from the bloody war they just got out of.

What I find more important is how many potential dictators seem on the rise currently, mimicking this slow and steady way of gaining power instead of the classic military coup. Erdogan comes to mind, which just had his "fire in the Reichstag"... no matter who set the fire... errh started the failed coup, he seems hell bent on using that to finally get the absolute power he worked towards for so many years.

Putin seems to do something similar, just at a slower pace, using more external than interal enemies as a tool to further his power.

What will happen if Trump gets to power? Is he smart enough to start similar maneuvers to stretch his power beyond what he should have? Is he able to to that in the US as it is today? If not, what has to happen to the US to make it possible? More mass immigration? A flailing economy? A senate that completly locks down the political process once more?

I fear the amount of protest voters in the US is a an all time high, there is no other way Trump could have become the leading candidate with all he has said and done (or NOT done, like paying for his own campaign). These same protest voters could do it once again, IF Trump is not just a big fan of Putin, but wants to follow his example.

Really hope Trump is just a little insane as some people think he is, and not as smart AND egocentric as some other dictators that rose to power in the last few years.


Germans might have "fired the first shot"

And that is not true either. The Serbians fired the first shot, then the Austrians did. Then Russia. Germany was dragged into it because when Franz Ferdinand was murdered, the Emperor gave a carte blanche promise to support Austria. You know, the kind of "if you ever need something, call me" thing that one says so easily and always regrets soon after.

While it's true that when Austria declared war, the Emperor could have backed off from that promise if he hadn't been so useless, decadent, and cowardish (he simply didn't say or do anything, he hid on his little sailing boat and let things happen by themselves), and while it's true that Schlieffen was only too happy to have a good reason to enter war, that's not something particular to Germany.
They all were very happy to be able to start a war. All of them.

As an imperialistic conservative libertarian who tends to vote Republican, I disagree with that.

I take it this confluence of contradiction was done on purpose....?

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As an imperialistic conservative libertarian who tends to vote Republican, I disagree with that.

I take it this confluence of contradiction was done on purpose....?

Tongue-in-cheek, yes. But like I'm sure almost everyone has views that are more nuanced than just a single label (or even three) can adequately capture.

Further, the average Democrat is a Libertarian in theory when Republicans are in power, and an Authoritarian in practice when their own party are in power,

and the average Republican is a Libertarian in theory when Democrats are in power, and an Authoritarian in practice when their own party is in power. :P

(i.e. cries of "Abuse of power! Government overreach!" often turn into "The people have voted, deal with it." depending on whether people happen to agree with the goals of the action or not)

As far as imperialism goes, I'm not in favor of American imperialism outside our own borders, and I'm knowingly using that existing label incorrectly.

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