
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

Americans are more likely to overthrow their own government than have any kind of WW2 style war hysteria.

Based on what evidence?

There has been always been an anti-government fringe in the US. In the last while, they have moved increasingly into the mainstream (tea party, etc). They keep saying that if Obama "comes for their guns" or "forces healthcare on them", they will rise up and overthrow the government., they won't.

First up, there isn't actually any real will to do that. Things are simply too comfortable for the average American. That's not to say there aren't real problems for segments of the populations, but let's be real, for most people, there is food on the table, a roof over their heads and they can (mostly) go about their day without undue harassment. Even the black Americans who do suffer at the hands of the police only make up 13% of the population (and oddly, they are not the ones calling for government overthrow, they would just like the cops to please stop shooting them).

But, for the sake of argument, let's imagine that ~50% of the US population is "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore". They're still not overthrowing a goddamn thing. You know why? Two words: predator drones. Overthrowing your government was possible when the majority of the firepower aimed against you was other guys with guns. Overthrowing your government when they have tanks is a lot more difficult. Overthrowing the largest military in the world..... damn near impossible.

If I could give a +1 I would.

Same as with the russians enduring the Putin regime, the people in turkey most probably just learning to live with their "president for life" getting closer to true dictatorship than ever, or the chinese enjoying their newly won wealth under a not-so-free regime...

There are always some that protest, and are willing to do something against the status quo.... happens in even the countries where people are complaining on a very high standard.

The amount of those compared to the rest never reaches the critical mass needed to really overthrow a regime, until people can no longer live their lifes... you know, earn money, pay the bills, marry, have kids, and all of that without fearing to get killed every day.

I wager not many buy into the nationalistic propaganda in the countries I mentioned above. But as long as they have something to eat, a roof over their head and can live a normal life, hey, why not just arrange yourself with the regime and live your life instead of loosing it in a pointless struggle against the regime?

If Hillary will be the next US president, the conservatives will bitch and moan for the next 4 years... but besides some childish powerplay in the senate and trying to sabotage the presidency, they will not do much else (which is good, because they have something better to do: thanks to living in a democracy, they can "overthrow" Hillary legally after 4 years. People in russia or turkey do not have this option).

If Trump wins, SOME of the people that threatened to leave the states when trump wins will do so. Most will stay. If he proves to be the nutjob a lot of people thinks he is, and appoints just as nuts advisors to influential positions, expect the senate to do the same thing they did during the obama administration. Trump might get a stunt or two going by (ab-)using his veto.

If he does to much damage with it, he will be taken down. People will kind of trust in that and that the rest of the political system, republican AND democrats, are still sane and able to stop the nutjob should he really run amok with his presidential powers. Most probably he will not. People will learn to live under an ego-centric, putin-loving president with a bad wig.

If anything changes, it is the republican party that might get torn in two. Which is kind of a good thing. Don't think the libertarians on the left side of the republican spectrum really want to be in the same party as the tea party nationalists.

Now also split off the left wing of the democrats into a real left wing party (that is no longer dominated by the big business a**-kissers like Hillary), and you would have a real left to right party spectrum, the way many european countries have had them for many decades...

A 3 or 4 party system on a national level would certainly help a lot against those polarized politics, and against those childish ties in the senat and all.

The strength of American democracy is preventing evil or incompetent people from getting much done.

The weakness of American democracy is preventing good or skilled people from getting much done.

This is partly what I mean when I jokingly say I'm pro-Imperialism. I mean I recognize that with the right leader, a dictatorship is far superior to a democracy. Ofcourse, with the wrong leader, a dictatorship is torture (figuratively and often literally). The more self-serving or incompetent a leader is, the more I want democracy to get in the way. So, especially this election, I'm glad I'm living in a USA-style democracy. ^_^

As an aside, some ex-CIA republican is going to make a white-horse bid for the presidency. Hopefully he gives us a real option - more likely, he'll just divide the party and hand Hillary the presidency she'll probably win anyway.

Well, it looks like a near certainty that Trump is going to lose and lose big.

Hopefully, this might be the beginning of the end for the insane fringe of the republicans. If you're lucky, the likes of Paul Ryan can transition the party away from the gun nuts, religious zealots, the homophobes, the xenophobes and whatever the hell Rick Santorum is.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Well, it looks like a near certainty that Trump is going to lose and lose big.

Hopefully, this might be the beginning of the end for the insane fringe of the republicans. If you're lucky, the likes of Paul Ryan can transition the party away from the gun nuts, religious zealots, the homophobes, the xenophobes and whatever the hell Rick Santorum is.

I really do hope that this is true, with all my heart. However, it's still a bit early to say anything definitively. I'm leaning towards the idea that this is the beginning of the end, as the insults/blatant bigotry hurled at that veteran family are going to leave a mark. There's plenty of other things on top of that as well. But this may well be it, hopefully, for Trump.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

So you are hoping Paul Ryan can take the Republicans and make them Democrats?

The funny thing is the corrupt/worst people in the RNC are supporting Hillary now.


So you are hoping Paul Ryan can take the Republicans and make them Democrats?

If you mean "make the Republicans a credible centre-right party", then yes.

In an ideal world, Bernie would then take the Democrats and make them a centre-left socialist party (ala Labour in the UK/Aus/NZ, the Liberals in Canada, or the Socialists in France).

This is called having a choice, instead of the current situation where you have a capitalist, centre-right party (the Democrats) and a bunch of complete loons.

Seriously, no-one outside the US takes the Republicans seriously anymore. They're a global laughing stock.

The fact that you have someone who openly jokes about having their political opponent killed as one of the major party candidates should be an embarrassment to your country.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

In an ideal world, Bernie would then take the Democrats and make them a centre-left socialist party (ala Labour in the UK/Aus/NZ, the Liberals in Canada, or the Socialists in France).

To quibble: did you mean the New Democratic Party? As a Canadian, the Liberals are not at all what I think of when I think "socialist", though I would agree that they're about center-left. :P
Seriously, no-one outside the US takes the Republicans seriously anymore. They're a global laughing stock.

From what I always saw, no one outside the US has ever taken any party serious. Bush and Obama have been laughing stocks for their terms.

Will Trump be a danger to National Security? Maybe. He can't be any more of a danger than Clinton was with her emails as the FBI Director even pointed out that she endangered national security. Is Trump a pathological liar? Yep. So is Clinton though as she repeatedly stated the FBI Director stated she was truthful even though he clearly stated she wasn't during the Congressional questioning. He wants to build a wall, she wants to put coal miners out of work. Both have pasts that make them unqualified for the Presidency.

Wife stumbled upon this today.

To quibble: did you mean the New Democratic Party? As a Canadian, the Liberals are not at all what I think of when I think "socialist", though I would agree that they're about center-left. :P

Ooops, yeah.

From what I always saw, no one outside the US has ever taken any party serious. Bush and Obama have been laughing stocks for their terms.

Not actually true. Bill Clinton was very popular outside the US. People didn't really care about the Lewinski stuff, and he was widely praised for things like his involvement in the Northern Ireland peace process.

Then you have GW Bush, widely derided around the world as a buffoon.

Back to Obama and even if a lot of people disagree with some of his policies, he's generally held in high regard, and certainly more so than either of his opponents.

As for Trump v Clinton? The winner is.... Sanders, with 76% of the vote. But after Sanders, it's still Clinton by a mile.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

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