
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

Watching (a part of) Hillary's DNC speech made me realize how weirdly different US politics is from Europe.

"Our country is the greatest country in the world" is an ultra-nationalist cry in every other part of the globe, but it's a liberal slogan in the US, apparently.

(And of course, since it's "the greatest in the world", it logically follows that it is its responsibility to get in and..."fix things" when the not-so-great countries make a mess, right? After all, Sanders' supporters' chants for "no more war!" were drowned by "USA! USA!" by the rest.)

Just an observation, moving on... :P

Bernie was legit, even though I was still hung up on some of his views.

I think one of the reasons Sanders lost(and didn't pose *that* much threat to Hilary, when all is said and done) is that he didn't do much work on the racism/sexism front. It's not a coincidence that the minority vote went to Hillary. Him being an old white man standing in the way of the first woman becoming president didn't exactly help either, of course.

I might be wrong, but it seems to me the only goal left for liberals that don't want to challenge capitalism or the present gigantic economic inequality at its heart, is, roughly speaking, to diversify the proverbial "1%". Meaning, we will still have the same predatory capitalism, imperialism, etc...but eliminate racism/sexism. Have PoC be in Forbes. Have a woman president and 50% of Congress and Supreme Judges be women. Fair representation in tech/Hollywood/etc. Equal pay. As I said, it seems to be the only tangible goal left for the people that want to call themselves "progressives" but have accepted that capitalism as it exists today is the "end of history", with some small "reforms" here and there in order to delay and "soften" the next crisis. It's a noble enough goal, of course. Non-racist predatory capitalism is obviously better than racist predatory capitalism. I've seen some people refer to it as "woke neoliberalism". :)

Bernie thought that, by speaking almost solely about economics and fixing economic inequality, he was taking care of these issues implicitly. I think he missed that people who suffer from these plights(racism/sexism) want to hear them getting addressed explicitly. And since it's the only goal left for liberal/centrists in the US today, and they will keep making it a central issue in the years to come, I think the next "Bernie", whoever they are, should really take this into account.


Watching (a part of) Hillary's DNC speech made me realize how weirdly different US politics is from Europe.

"Our country is the greatest country in the world" is an ultra-nationalist cry in every other part of the globe, but it's a liberal slogan in the US, apparently.

(And of course, since it's "the greatest in the world", it logically follows that it is its responsibility to get in and..."fix things" when the not-so-great countries make a mess, right? After all, Sanders' supporters' chants for "no more war!" were drowned by "USA! USA!" by the rest.)

Just an observation, moving on... :P

Not really,

Its called patriotism and self belief. The new British Prime Minister said something similar after resuming office recently, which in essence is rallying compatriots to belief in the ability of the country to pull through

Its also similar to "My dad is the greatest dad in the world", "my wife is the most beautiful lady in the world"

No, it can be associated with patriotism in Europe not nationalism. I live in the UK and Nationalist use a different and more direct slogan that has embedded in it-: race, housing shortage, over population ... influx, swamped by immigrants, population looking less white and the waving little "Endlander" flag (as opposed to the British flag)

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

"I love my country with all its flaws" - that's patriotism for me.

"Our country is better than any other in the world" and "[people] act as if we are not yet the greatest country that has ever been created"(recent tweet of Clinton) - I categorize this under nationalism - albeit a liberal and "tolerant" one, that is willing to accept, say, Muslims as equal citizens, provided they do their fair share of killing and dying in wars against other Muslims or wherever else America's interests are threatened. I don't really know how else to name the claim that X country is "the greatest ever created", nor "USA! USA!" chants designed to drown "no more war!" chants - a promise(to end the war) that was made by the previous Democratic administration 8 years ago, mind you.

I'd like to see the quote from the new British PM you talked about - but I'm betting she referred to UK as "our great country" or something similar and not "the greatest in the world/ever created". World of difference. And mind you - she *is* a Conservative after all. That's why I say US politics seem so weirdly different from Europe to me. What on earth this "greatest than all the rest" slogan exactly serves, other to imply that it's their "destiny" to control the fate of some other not-so-great countries? "A great country that we love" is more than enough, as far as patriotism is concerned, especially when you claim you're addressing a liberal and "progressive" crowd. Hell, even "my country sucks atm but I love it anyway" is still patriotism(and, given that I'm Greek, that's unfortunately the only brand of patriotism I can afford to have atm). "Greatest country in the history of Earth" - what is this nonsense suppose to achieve? That's a justification for imperialism, nothing more, IMO. It's the very definition of jingoism.


Americans are more likely to overthrow their own government than have any kind of WW2 style war hysteria.

Based on what evidence?

There has been always been an anti-government fringe in the US. In the last while, they have moved increasingly into the mainstream (tea party, etc). They keep saying that if Obama "comes for their guns" or "forces healthcare on them", they will rise up and overthrow the government., they won't.

First up, there isn't actually any real will to do that. Things are simply too comfortable for the average American. That's not to say there aren't real problems for segments of the populations, but let's be real, for most people, there is food on the table, a roof over their heads and they can (mostly) go about their day without undue harassment. Even the black Americans who do suffer at the hands of the police only make up 13% of the population (and oddly, they are not the ones calling for government overthrow, they would just like the cops to please stop shooting them).

But, for the sake of argument, let's imagine that ~50% of the US population is "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore". They're still not overthrowing a goddamn thing. You know why? Two words: predator drones. Overthrowing your government was possible when the majority of the firepower aimed against you was other guys with guns. Overthrowing your government when they have tanks is a lot more difficult. Overthrowing the largest military in the world..... damn near impossible.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

But, for the sake of argument, let's imagine that ~50% of the US population is "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore". They're still not overthrowing a goddamn thing. You know why? Two words: predator drones. Overthrowing your government was possible when the majority of the firepower aimed against you was other guys with guns. Overthrowing your government when they have tanks is a lot more difficult. Overthrowing the largest military in the world..... damn near impossible.

We overthrow our government every 2 years.

There has been always been an anti-government fringe in the US. In the last while, they have moved increasingly into the mainstream (tea party, etc). They keep saying that if Obama "comes for their guns" or "forces healthcare on them", they will rise up and overthrow the government.

I've heard feminists say the same sort of thing.
Specifically, supposedly pacifist female feminists claiming that if abortion ever gets outlawed, they'll take to the streets with guns.

(hell hath no fury like a feminist - scorned or unscorned)

In America, we have such an entitlement attitude, and such a "Absolutely 100% my way only, and anything else is a disaster worth killing over" mentality, probably because politicians love stressing rights and who owes who, over duty and responsibility.

Thankfully, we'll also lazy and impatient, so the vocalized threats of murder on the streets usually don't amount to much.

I dunno. This Trump is too much of a playa. Celebrating Ukraine borders revision etc. U.S may loose a stuff that is hard to get back if lost.

Benefit the people and folk or not, people decide.

But a governor connot be unvoted, whatever dickhead them turn out to be after rulle.

There has been always been an anti-government fringe in the US. In the last while, they have moved increasingly into the mainstream (tea party, etc). They keep saying that if Obama "comes for their guns" or "forces healthcare on them", they will rise up and overthrow the government.

I've heard feminists say the same sort of thing.
Specifically, supposedly pacifist female feminists claiming that if abortion ever gets outlawed, they'll take to the streets with guns.
(hell hath no fury like a feminist - scorned or unscorned).
You'll pardon me if I want to see a citation for that.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
It was in real-life, so I can't provide a citation.

[Edit:] Rest of post removed at someone's suggestion, so as to not derail thread

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