
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

Trump's the only one calling it out. Whether or not he'll fix it is irrelevant, at this point he's the only one even willing to make it an issue, and therefore the strongest contender for a positive vote.
Fair enough if that's why people are voting for him.

In the context of the my quote though, it does matter whether or not he'll fix it, as I'm pessimistically declaring it's business as usual no matter what happens in any US election :lol:

Wikileaks just leaked several thousand Democratic National Committee emails, including suggestions on how to derail Sanders' campaign.

Just to, you know, help bring reconciliation between Sanders' supporters and Hillary's.

I've glanced through a little of it, but despite Republican accusations, I don't see too much controversial so far (other than the supposedly-neutral DNC being biased against Sanders, but that is already common knowledge).

Some news articles are claiming that they were planning to attack Bernie's Jewish heritage to use antisemitic bigotry against him, but the emails actually say they wanted to underline his atheism (by planting a civilian to ask a question) to inspire religious bigotry against him.

Amy K. Dacey | Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

"Brad Marshall" <> wrote:
> It's these Jesus thing.
>> On May 5, 2016, at 1:31 AM, Brad Marshall <> wrote:
>> It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to
>> ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he
>> has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could
>> make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps
>> would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.


"It's these Jesus thing." <-- I need that on a T-shirt. :lol:

I honestly don't know how either of them have any supporters... :(

Don't look at me, it's the Democrats who wanted to legalize marijuana!

I haven't really seen anything either there that looked like anti Semitism. It was well known that the DNC never liked Sanders even before these emails were leaked, so why people were so "shocked" I'm not entirely sure. Again, it was fairly obvious that they wanted Hillary. But this only makes the current political shitstorm that much more complicated.

Every informed American knows that betrayals against the USA and our interests are common in the establishment. The vast majority of Americans admit that this the reality now.

As far as I know, the approval ratings of the public for both the Congress and Press are still in single digits percentage.

HELLO! I am not alone in seeing that the public is getting not only ignored but stabbed in the back!

We have a President and Supreme Court making the law of the land, which is only the responsibility of the Legislative Branch of government (Congress). We continue to be put in undeclared wars, which is another violation of the US Constitution. The USA is literally being sold to the world. HEY! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY!

The many lies of Hillary Clinton which have been exposed over the years and reaffirmed recently are only a tip of the corruption iceberg.

It is no mere conspiracy theory to say that the global elite are the masters and many of our politicians in Washington D.C. are their puppets.

MASS immigration, NO Borders, and selling the USA to the world are only symptoms of a corrupt system. Leaders in education, media, and government both lie and conceal the truth. Polls show that most of the public are aware of this and are disgusted with it.

These obvious reasons and much more are why Donald Trump should win by a landslide victory in November.

Again: These are the realities.

Yea totally, let's elect a bigot and make Nazi America a reality so that we can calm your hurt ego. I don't see any MASS immigration and I'm pretty sure that the US doesn't have NO borders. These obvious reasons and much more are why Donald Trump should be locked up in a cell and the key thrown out. Maybe lock him up with Hillary and Sanders while we are at it and let them fight each other. For good measure, let's throw in Ted Cruz too.

Trump's the only one calling it out. Whether or not he'll fix it is irrelevant, at this point he's the only one even willing to make it an issue, and therefore the strongest contender for a positive vote.
Fair enough if that's why people are voting for him.

In the context of the my quote though, it does matter whether or not he'll fix it, as I'm pessimistically declaring it's business as usual no matter what happens in any US election :lol:

If only it were that simple.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Trump; "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."


Yeah, this guy will be great in the job... fucking moron.

"Will bring back jobs and rise wages"... yep, at which point due to business wanting to make profit you end up in the same position as before... Eco 101, you'd think someone who ran a business would understand that.
I'm not going to debate the heading of this list.. but the list itself... fuck me... If you support this fucking nut bag then you are a moron..

Fun list of stuff Trump has said, done or his supports have said/done

Shit like this is why we need to get a decent space program going and either fire these fucking morons in to the sun or escape this dying planet and leave them all to die on it...

Trump; "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."


Yeah, this guy will be great in the job... fucking moron.

"Will bring back jobs and rise wages"... yep, at which point due to business wanting to make profit you end up in the same position as before... Eco 101, you'd think someone who ran a business would understand that.

You sound bitter. Somebody need a hug?

Wait.. you sound 'bitter' if you point out someone is an idiot?

Fuck me the world is full of stupid...

Damn, then Undoomed on YouTube must be the King of Bitterness as he is always calling out idiots online and his usual catch phrases are "Hey, moron!" and "Fucking moron!"

The most anti-bigotry, anti-Nazi, anti-Communist, and anti-Anarchy presidential candidate this election cycle is Donald Trump. He is a Capitalist and worth over 10 billion dollars. He has zero tolerance of such things as racism. Really, the proof is in his results. Donald Trump is a fantastically successful business person. He is also a master of the smoke screen in rhetoric. He will make an ideal negotiator and if need be opponent as president of the USA.


Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

And with that, I'm done with this thread and this site... too many idiots... unfortunately they will win... good luck America, you'll need it.

And with that, I'm done with this thread and this site... too many idiots... unfortunately they will win... good luck America, you'll need it.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

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