
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

I'm watching Trumps RNC speech as I type this and I'm sorry, but there's no way around this; you would have to be borderline mentally incapacitated to believe anything he says.

Every second statement contradicts the previous one.

Half of it is outright lies and the other half displays a staggering lack of awareness.

Not to mention the constant self-aggrandizing.

I hate to be this black and white, but if you support Trump, you're either evil or an idiot.

Hillary's not great, but compared to Trump, she's Abe Lincoln.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Well, that is bad. If you don't vote (...especially if many do that), it is the rule of few.

Personally I disagree with that view; the problem with voting is that you are giving support to the views of the person you are voting for - I'd rather not lend my support to someone I don't agree with than lend it to someone who seems like the 'lesser of two evils' as the saying goes; if nothing else if they get a huge backing because of people voting like that then it looks like they have the full backing of the people, regardless of the facts.

Fair play if you want to vote that way, its not like I'll try to stop you or anything, but not everyone wants to give their support in that manner.
(People will always blame the people who didn't vote for the 'wrong' party getting in to power, but often the none voters are spread about in such a way that their impact on the local result, which goes forward as a binary to the national one, tends towards zero.)

Although, frankly, in most of the UK unless you are going to vote for the person who won the last time you might as well not bother - general elections here are largely decided on 'swing seats' with most places being safe. Where my parents live always vote Tory, and where I lived at the last general election I worked out that in order to unseat the guy who got elected last time then you'd need EVERYONE who voted for a different party to vote for a single party AND all the people that didn't vote last time AND a few couple from his side to switch sides... at that point I said 'fuck it' and got on with my own shit.

(I've only voted on 3 occasions; Brexit, proposed changed to AV system and last MEP as in all cases my vote mattered. Beyond that you might as well piss on you ballot paper for all the good it'll do.)

Fair play if you want to vote that way, its not like I'll try to stop you or anything, but not everyone wants to give their support in that manner. (People will always blame the people who didn't vote for the 'wrong' party getting in to power, but often the none voters are spread about in such a way that their impact on the local result, which goes forward as a binary to the national one, tends towards zero.)
I don't have data on hand, but I thought that in most elections, the general rule was that the incumbent is typically at an advantage, and a swing in voter habits is required to result in a change. This would mean that abstaining from voting is implicitly endorsing the status quo, and may as well be a vote for the incumbent.
Probably depends on the region and the election in question.

For a multi-party MP election in the UK, although turn out was low and the number not voting could have swung the over all 'votes to the winner' you've got to allow for the fact that not everyone would vote one way and, as mentioned, in some areas an increase in voting still wouldn't outweigh the support for the existing MP.

It would be interesting to see the same data for the US Presidential Elections; although it is a binary vote, it isn't a "popular vote" across the country which decides the outcome - so voting or not locally might have zero impact on the overall result without a swing from voters who normally vote for the person who 'wins' the state.

(I should note that although I have my issues with voting if you live in a 'swing' seat/state/area then you should probably always vote as you pretty much hold the power... having never lived in such an area however...)
U.K. Elections are terrible.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
This is the level of response from Trump. From an NY Times interview:

HABERMAN: What kind of change could you make in terms of Nafta without fully withdrawing from it? How could you?

TRUMP: You’ve got to be fair to the country. Everyone is leaving. Carrier just announced they’re leaving. Ford is building a massive plant. So I have a friend who builds plants and then I have to go. I have a friend who builds plants, that’s what he does, he’s the biggest in the world, he builds plants like automobile plants, computer plants, that’s all he does. He doesn’t build apartments, he doesn’t build office space, he builds plants. I said to him the other day, “How are you doing?” He goes, “Unbelievable.” Oh, great, that’s good, thinking about the United States, right, because he’s based in the United States. So I said, “Good, so the country is doing well.” He said, “No, no, not our country, you’ve got to see what I’m doing in Mexico.” He said: “The business there is unbelievable, the new plants we are building. People moving from the United States.” That’s what he does. One-story plants. You understand?

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

This is the level of response from Trump. From an NY Times interview:

HABERMAN: What kind of change could you make in terms of Nafta without fully withdrawing from it? How could you?

TRUMP: You’ve got to be fair to the country. Everyone is leaving. Carrier just announced they’re leaving. Ford is building a massive plant. So I have a friend who builds plants and then I have to go. I have a friend who builds plants, that’s what he does, he’s the biggest in the world, he builds plants like automobile plants, computer plants, that’s all he does. He doesn’t build apartments, he doesn’t build office space, he builds plants. I said to him the other day, “How are you doing?” He goes, “Unbelievable.” Oh, great, that’s good, thinking about the United States, right, because he’s based in the United States. So I said, “Good, so the country is doing well.” He said, “No, no, not our country, you’ve got to see what I’m doing in Mexico.” He said: “The business there is unbelievable, the new plants we are building. People moving from the United States.” That’s what he does. One-story plants. You understand?


Yeah, he Doesn't! But why should he? After all this is DT. He doesn't have to make sense

The bar is always set so low when judging DT, like I remarked earlier, so it shouldn't matter, nobody would notice the rumbling, .... . THIS IS DT, it doesn't matter how racist, stupid, xenophobic.... he always gets away with it.

If this was Hillary Clinton or Obama.... it will be the headline news played over again and again, with the adversaries poking fun, because here the bar is raised so high

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

It's actually a carefully orchestrated speaking style. Very short/disjointed sentences with varying topics at a low reading level. The effect is that people listen and think he's covering a lot of ground. It's proven to be extremely effective during the primaries. Curious to see if he's going to keep using that style in the general election.

It doesn't translate to written text very well though :D

He's perfectly capable of speaking well using a more normal style

HILLARY for PRISON - 2016 !

That's one of the main reasons for the appeal of outsider Donald Trump against the traitor establishment of anti-USA media, education, and government who are puppets of the Global Elite.

I don't want a "New World Order" run by unelected Global Elite.

I want my USA Constitution to be upheld and respected.

"Borders, Language, and Culture makes a nation," Doctor Michael Savage

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

Yeah, it's basically people like you who make me want to have less and less to do with this site...

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