
[4E6] Unofficial Screenshot Thread

Started by September 25, 2007 10:10 PM
174 comments, last by cNoob 16 years, 6 months ago
Quote: Original post by Moe
Alrighty, I guess it's my turn:

Consider it a bit of a teaser at this point.

Are you using XNA. If so, how did you get the FPS above 60?

Quote: Original post by awesty
Are you using XNA. If so, how did you get the FPS above 60?

Richard 'ViLiO' | Twitter | YouTube
Not much yet, but it's improving nicely.
Quote: Original post by ViLiO
Quote: Original post by awesty
Are you using XNA. If so, how did you get the FPS above 60?


Not only that, but there is one other thing you have to do in your Game class constructor:
IsFixedTimeStep = false; //see link
Quote: Original post by Moe
Quote: Original post by ViLiO
Quote: Original post by awesty
Are you using XNA. If so, how did you get the FPS above 60?


Not only that, but there is one other thing you have to do in your Game class constructor:
IsFixedTimeStep = false; //see link

It seems to work fine for me by just setting SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace to false.
awesty: Bah, whatever works. I just prefer to not work with a fixed time step. Personal preference I guess.

Dave: Indeed it is. What can I say? I like precise things.

XDigital: All in due time.

The rendering engine is shaping up. Just put in animated meshes! Very happy to have that out of the way.
Quote: Original post by Programmer101

The rendering engine is shaping up. Just put in animated meshes! Very happy to have that out of the way.

I think I know who's winning this year :O
guess this tradegood for Libertine...
hint: Pirates sell them.

Frack! I needed the whole evening for this easy mesh and texture.

Battle Karts

I dream hard of helping people.

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