
Linux vs. Windows

Started by June 11, 2000 02:49 PM
76 comments, last by Indeterminatus 24 years, 3 months ago
Bite me

That was an example of why a computer crashes.

MOst crashes are caused by a similar situation, for example...

(my asm isn''t that hot, but you should get the gist of this)

; Start
db src "1234567890$"
db dst "12345$"
db len 0
mov [src+len], [dst+len]
inc len
cmp [src+len], 0
jne Start
; End

Cause of the crash? A buggy loop (it overflows dst, overights len
(setting the value to the ascii value of 6, then starts sticking random data in the wrong bits of memory)

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

Come on, didn''t you notice these smileys? I didn''t want to "bite you" ...



--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses...
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
I like to use Linux because it is very stable, fast, and works well. However there are some hardware problems, but none I can''t overcome (no worse than when I used dos 6.22 and windows 3.1). As for windows, I don''t like to use it, I simply know that currently windows has a larger market. I do hope that will change in the near future, and the developers that made Linux are doing a very good job.

I am just learning programming, but I have been using computers my whole life so I do know something. When I do have more experience in programming I plan to develop games and software for both OS.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are -Theodore Roosevelt
I think that web browsers are an intresting app that could be expanded into something much bigger.

Consider this, plugins are avaliable for many browsers and they have a version for Linux & Windows. This opens the field up to making lots of cool things. Flash is an excellent plugin and works under linux & windows and probably other Os''s.

So what I''m saying is why not change the function of the browser so that rather than being a interface for web pages it is an interface to the computer. If a developer made a "holder" for each of the major operating systems then used something like java (or create a new one) that makes platform indepedent plugins that you place into the browser.

Basicly what I''m saying is that you wouldn''t have compatiablity problems becuase each operating system dependent holder would be created by a open source group so it is the best and fastest. Then the developer who make apps could write them in the platform independent code and it would work on every platform and the performance would be good becuase of the open source groups developing the holders.

Well it a massive project but it would be very cool to see that happen.

btw I post the things about directx & opengl earily. I should really put my username in
I just want to say one thing, it may be a little off subject, but while we are talking about the Linux vs Windows subject, I figured I''d write it. I am pretty sick of alot of those Linux people who just hate Microsoft. They are very ignorant, if they hear something that''s by MS, they''ll immediately make some remark and say it sucks. Its pure ignorance, as if their minds are brainwashed. I use linux and windows, and I am a fan of both. I do find myself using windows more often, due to better compatibility with the software I used. I just thought I would add that. Hopefully I didn''t offend anyone.
We shall be free; th'' Almighty hath not build here for his ervy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure and in my choyce To reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav''n.
I argree that gets on my goat as well

At first I want to say I don''t feel offended . Thank you for your message! You''re right. There are several well done products by Microsoft! I just wanted to say that I agree with you:
It''s not right to say "this sucks" just because it''s from Microsoft. But I must admit that I have a prejudice whenever I see a product from Microsoft, at least there is a little bit of a prejudice . But I think that''s due to my view of live: Somebody might say "everything is positive until it proves the opposite", but I say it the other way round...i want the product to prove useful and good, else it is bad in my eyes...
But that''s a kind of phylosophical topic, so I won''t deal with that any longer ...



--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses...
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
The other thing I think people forget about Linux is it a general user OS? Sure for us folks that are technical and/or familiar with UNIX its not a big deal. We love it and think its great. Linux is a great OS but like it or not Windows still has one up on it when it comes to overall ease of use. Things will change and perhaps that won''t always be the case but in my humble opinion right now Linux is still an OS geared to techies. There''s nothing wrong with that and Linux is great OS but the idea that all the AOL using grandma''s in the world are suddenly going to jump ship so they can configure kernels is silly! Like or not most people are not as technical as the crowd in here...
The thing that is most annoying about MS is the fact that they won''t fix some of the most obvious bugs: like after Explorer crashes, All my little toolbaricons dissapear, and i have to restart to see ICQ etc. again =(
If it directly accesses the processor then it isn't the fault of the OS. However the OS is supposed to handle memory and processor time etc allocation, so software is never to blame if it demands a lot of memory, the OS should just tell you "There isnt enough free memory"

Funny thing is, a systems programmer taught me this, the system he actually programmed would be at fault for most crashes :/.


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."

Edited by - ImmaGNUman on June 15, 2000 2:22:22 PM
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt

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