
Linux vs. Windows

Started by June 11, 2000 02:49 PM
76 comments, last by Indeterminatus 24 years, 3 months ago
Hello everyone out there! I don''t want to start a discussion, I just want to send a question into the ethernity I wonder when the time for Linux finally has come...I mean, I''m sure you''ll agree with me that Linux is superiour. The only thing is, that damn Windows has a kind of monopol, that other OS have nearly no chance...but I''m sure that Linux will ascend and get the most popular OS... If you don''t think so, you can post a reply and maybe we actually WILL discuss a bit Yours, Indeterminatus
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
Hi again!

I just wanted to say, that if you are a newbie-to-linux-programmer, I recommend downloading DJGPP C++ by D.J. Delorie and the Allegro Library by Shawn Hargreaves.
With these tools (you can download them FOR FREE!!!) you are able to create a game for DOS, Linux and Windows without changing one single line of code (well, if you want to port your game to windows, you'll need MS VC++ and WinAllegro...)
I'm using Allegro and DJGPP and I'm really content! The Allegro library features nearly everything a game programmer's dreaming of can easily play MIDI, VOK & WAV files, rotate bitmaps, translucency effects and so on are also included...


Edited by - Indeterminatus on June 11, 2000 3:58:04 PM
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
I believe that the time for Linux is close. I remember installing the old Slackware 4 or 5 years ago, no non-technical and non-UNIX person would have been able to withstand that but with the modern day installers getting better and better people are becoming less afraid of this.

Another thing I have always said is that the most used software on any OS is games (no matter what anyone says). Problem that Linux had in the past was lack of commercial titles. Bring the game developers over and the people will follow.

And finally, to show that Linux is up and on its way. Here atleast there are now 2-3 magazines dedicated to Linux with others having linux sections.

Basically, my mail is fragmented but what I mean to say is that Linux will rule the world but until now we have to take second fiddle to Windows.
-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
Linux''s time to rule has come. It may have not that many users, but it will rule. The ability to change window managers and appearance is just fabuolus to kids and people who are ... well... let''s just say, less computer knowledge. One thing is that since Red Hat and all the other people are working so hard to make it more "appealing" to window users, it lowers the perfomance (even though no matter what they do Linux will ALWAYS be better than windows). I would prefer Unix over Linux, but hey, they''re basically the same thing... Over all, Linux will win the OS wars...

unixGuy - Fighter for the a better OS
unixGuy - Fighter for the better OS
Don''t bother with DJGPP on Linux

it''s a port of gcc... which generally comes with Linux...

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

Though DJGPP under DOS is good for cross compiling some stuff for both DOS and Linux.

As regards to modern installers reducing linux performance, this is true. But still, just go use Slackware, the installers not as nice but performance is still there (from what I remember).
-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
About game development...

Windows win!!.

The only point to games in linux is opengl, but SG not receive nothing about it ($$), and you can build opengl games in windows and you have sure that graphics card work perfecty. In linux you cannot be sure.

And many people hope linux-program = free-program!!. Hey, I don''t want to work 3 or more month in a free-program.

And you cannot have 3dstudio (the king of 3d modeling) for linux!!!, so many 3d games is out.
And you cannot have photoshop (the king of 2d)... or another similar.

How many games for linux is best in comparation the windows version?? many, because linux is best -> wrong!!

And the future about Linux is unsure..
-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"

not every piece of softwhere for linux needs to be free.
There are many top of the line FREE modelers and 2d art program for linux.

I recently saw something I never thought I would see.... A boxed game for linux on a shelf in Electronics Boutique. In the last four years, I''ve gone from seeing no software and the single book here and there to a wall in EB dedicated to linux and a shelf of books at the local book store (and i live in a very sheltered place).

I''m glad to see the sucess, but frankly i''m a bit scared. I''d hate to see linux turn the way microsoft did. I''m also dreading the tech support calls.

caller: My computer died.
me: Could you be a little more specific?
caller: WINDOWS crashed and all I see now is [bash]#
me: *click* *bang* *dialtone*
I say they all have a place in the world. No OS should rule anyother.

Just make sure that yer OS supports the standards of the industry, C++, opengl and you''ll be golden.

I think Windows is great for a game platform, and Linux is great for a web server platform and macintosh is great as a paper weight, so...

"Five passengers set sail that day, for a three hour tour, a three hour tour...."
eng3d, games under windows wins. Hmm, you obviously have not looked around or don''t know what you are talking about then. I have seen games (free games) available and in development for Linux that blow away a good percentage of windows games using the far superior OpenGL (over DirectX).

Check out one site : for proof of the fact.

As for other comments, hmm EVEN the GForce works under linux, so that comment about graphics cards, wrong. Modellers, there are tons of these under linux. 2D art packages, well lost count of this number but usually the best come with the linux package (GIMP and the like).

As for free games and you not wanting to produce. People who become most attached to Linux are willing to take on the whole Open Source idea.

So, eng3d - got anymore comments I can prove wrong of yours?
-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.

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