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Linux vs. Windows

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76 comments, last by Indeterminatus 24 years ago
Sorry guys, just had to add one more comment. I saw the last comment then in eng3d''s post saying that the "And the future about Linux is unsure.."

Hmm, the future of any OS is unsure particularly Windows now that Microsoft have to split the company in two. We has the more sure future out these two, linux. Why, well its not being produced by one company thats why. There are so many distributions out there that if one went down you would not know.
-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
Every time I go to the local computer store I see new distros for Linux all the time. I hear about Linux in radio adds for god sakes, it's going to be around for quite some time. Houdini 4 was just released for Linux, Alias/Wavefront is thinking about releasing MAYA for Linux if they haven't already. If you want a good distro get (censored), oh yeah.

(note from Godfree^: no distrobution wars please)

Edited by - Godfree^ on June 14, 2000 9:16:22 AM
IMHO, the future of LInux is unsure due to a split in the developers attitude to commercial software.

A large number of distros are pushing commercial (i.e. NOn open source) software (such as WordPerfect, ApplixWare, VMWare), while many Free Software Fanatics refuse to acknowledge these distrobutions as Linux distrobutions. Others welcome the commercial software, and many a flame war has started because of this.

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

Hey, there's a real discussion running now

I didn't want to start a war !!! But -anyhow- I'm sure that Windows is inferiour in every aspect...in Game Development (Resources) as well...
Whenever I boot my computer with Windows it occurs quite often that I have to restart 4 times, because Windows crashes (hmmm...what a good OS...!), but it's very strange that Linux NEVER crashed, don't you think so?
Thank you, good old Microsoft, you showed us how to make an OS BETTER!!

And, eng3D: By the way, is there any drawback of OpenGL?
Games do exist on Linux too (newer games as well...UnrealTournament for example...)


Edited by - Indeterminatus on June 14, 2000 3:47:50 PM
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
Indeterminatus, you should try Windows 2000. It's much faster than NT 4 and very stable (although it will still crash occasionally). And no, Linux is not totally superiour to Windows, nor is Windows totally superiour to Linux. They both have the pluses and minuses.

BTW, I installed Linux last year (after getting fed up with Windows) and it did not support my USB mouse or USB printer (even tho USB had been out for almost 2 years, there STILL was no stable beta drivers out for it). I'm not even going to tell what what I went through to get my TNT2 card working with it! It also ran games much slower than Windows because it was unable to access the video memory directly. Mind you, that is supposed to change with the latest kernal (is that out yet?) but as of then it just did not support all of my hardware, thus it was totally useless to me.

Basically, Windows has by far the better hardware support, is easier to use, more software, etc, while Linux is probably faster, more stable, lots of free software, etc. They both have their pluses.

Edited by - Houdini on June 14, 2000 4:01:25 PM
- Houdini
The latest Kernel(2.4 pre 9) supports USB. XFree86 4.0 (which is out and non-beta) supports direct memory access. Nvidia has beta OpenGL drivers for XFree86 4.0 for their TNTs, TNT2s, and Geoforces. USB support is windows is junky too, when i enable USB in my bios, windows crashes every 1-5 minutes.
I''m glad to hear that Linux finally supports that stuff. BTW, what version of Windows are you running? I know that USB does not work very well with Windows 95 at all. I haven''t had any problems with Win98 SE USB support.
- Houdini
This is and will become a flame war, just delete this moderator!

But, I will falsify some rumours.

No, Linux is not hard to install anymore.

Linux cannot become a monopoly or like Windows, it is open source and free, therefore, if one company gets to cocky, another one advertises they are better and all apps are compatable, and bang, you got a new fav distro.

Other than that, i have nothing else {productive at least} to say.


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
About this becoming a flame war...

I''m keeping a close eye on this thread, and it is *very* close to being a flame war, but I''m doing my best to prevent it. We''re getting a very good discussion going here, and I don''t want to break the flow.

If you loo kup the list, you''ll notice I edited someone else post due to the fact that that could have degenerated this thread into a flame war...

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

I don''t understand why everyone hates Window''s so much.
Is it the thing people have about the little guy always wanting to take it to the big guy (i.e. Red Hat vs Microsoft)......or is it that deep down inside we always pull for and want the underdog to win (i.e Red Hat vs Microsoft) ?
If Window''s is crashing on your system then it was probably something you did along the way, especially if it happens often.......I can''t remember the last time windows crashed on me.
And Window''s by far wins the game war (at least for now and the forseeable future).....lets get a poll of who has written games for windows vs linux.....
And big time game development companies will write almost all their games for Windows ? Whether Linux runs faster or better (which I really don''t know how you measure that anyway), the cold hard fact is that a very very very large percentage of household computer in America and I am sure worldwide runs windows.....so if you are making games and want to get them to the largest audience, what are you gonna do ? Write them for windows.....I guess if you had extra time on your hands you could port it to Linux, but most companies don''t have that "extra time". And notice I said port, not have it originally written for........
Whether we like microsoft or not, Windows is still and will be for the near future, the dominant OS out there.....
And true, Microsoft might have to be splitting up but what about this situation......
you run your own business/company/corporation....you have been using Windows for the past x years on all your computers.....you have gathered over those x years a large collection of software that your company needs for various reasons......the newest versions of windows and linux come out.....you can A) Buy Windows and still use all you software from before or B) Buy linux, along with alot of new software to replace the software you still had that ran on windows but will not run on your nex linux OS or C) Go crawl under a big rock in a cave and hide from the technological world......what are you gonna do ?
The same situation above also applies to a home user who has various applications/games on their computer

I know I am going to get burned up about this one........

"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time"
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
themGames Productions

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