
Do Nerds get Girls???

Started by March 24, 2000 02:36 PM
86 comments, last by MuffinKnight 24 years, 5 months ago
I preferred to put this separately from my last post as this is sort of a reply to jewelaye''s first post in this topic representing my oppinnion on guys being scared of girls who know more about something then they do...

Given the choice of two identical girls, one who knows little about computers, the other knowing more than myself, I''d go without hesitation for the second... I think having some strong common interest can never be a bad thing...

Just my two cents...

About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
wow a whole page of J2xC...oh, not anymore

nooooooooo, being a semi-nerd i dont get a lot of girls(sad ain''t it?) mostly because im too afraid to talk to people(very shy)

if you a nerd and the life of the party, you got it made
Guys, in order to "get girls" you have to realize a couple of things.

1. Computers are not the center of the universe with the planets revolving around them. Computers can be fun, u can spend a lot of time on them (I do), but they aren''t the most important thing in the world.
2. Girls aren''t different species. You don''t "get girls", that''s a stupid lame-ass definition. Girls are just like you, they want exactly the same things u want. Of course, there is some difference in mentality, but once again, girls aren''t different species.
3. Self esteem comes with age. You can''t just wake up, and become confident. If you don''t have self esteem now, wait a while, and it will come.

Well, that''s my 2 cents
Grow some balls man. Just because someone is intelligent doesn''t mean they have to dress like a dork, not workout, and be fuckin super self conscious and not have the balls to approach women. Just bite the bullet and approach her and ask her what''s up, everyone''s been shot down one time or another. What''s the worst a girl could do, laugh at you? So what, you''re laughing all the way to the bank. And if you''re just lookin to get laid, get a hooker, it''s cheaper than winin and dinin. HA! Man, I am a comedian some times... Sorry ladies, just kiddin. That''s right I''ll be at the Apollo later on... All this talk is making me horny, where''s my bitch at?..Damn, there I go again.

I''m a woman and a nerd. I work for a major video game company and also do research for NIMH. In both areas I run into a lot of nerds. Some of them have no problems talking to women and having conversations that do not involve their computers, but many women enjoy that topic.
It''s sad to see all the postings about using alchohol to "get" girls. If sex is all you are interested in that you probably deserve all that you get. But if you want to find a woman that you can really get to know then going to parties and getting slammed is not the way to do it.
I think that most "true" nerds don''t get girls, and that is primarily because if you are stuck infront of your computer 24-7 then odds are you aren''t going to meet anyone. Unless you happen to have an outgoing roommate that is willing to help you. Go to the library and hang out in your favorite section, or head to a museum or something.
As a beautiful geek (I''m in an advertisement in major game magazines that represents this problem perfectly) I can tell you that there are lots of women out there that just love nerds. My last boyfriend was MUDDing all the time, and I just loved trying to distract him

That''s my 2 cents
Wulfe, you screwed your dog???!!!!????!!!! I''m sorry to say the only way you will ever get over you problem is the face up to it. I was alot like you in High School, execpt for the dog part, I never went out on a date, much less kissed a girl. The way I got over my shyness was to get a job at a fast food joint. I can talk to anybody now, even the really hot girls. Now I''m almost 22 and I have still never been on a date. But now I don''t want to date, I think its pretty much a waste of time. I go out when I want, if I want to be antisocial I stay home all week. If I want want to blow half my check for a new cam shaft for my cars or a new video card I can. And I don''t have to worry about some prissy girl in her complete Tommy outfit bitching at me because I''m not spending my money on her. But now I''m completely off topic, Wulfe, you are going to have to suck it up and try. There is nothing any professional can do for you. The only cure for shyness is to confront it head on.

As for the actual topic, no real nerds don''t get the hot girls. A real nerd is a pasty white, balding, pocket protector wearing, tapped glasses man in his 30s. You people in the punk bands with the goth girls into doing dogs aren''t REAL nerds. You have no idea what its like to be completely alone in a school of over 200 people. You are just computer junkies who can code a "Hello World" program in spaghetti BASIC who say they are nerds to impress the fellow girls on the board.

Boy, bet I didn''t make any new friends with this post. But hey, life''s a bitch, deal with it.
"I can't work like this! Where are my fuzzy dice?"
This is grossly off topic, but I didn't want to delete it.

"Nerds" don't exist anymore. They were from a time long ago (10 years) which is why NOBODY considers being called a 'Nerd' an insult. People are who they are.

Chrono, you would be right if you consider C++, OpenGL, UDP programming, and DirectX programming "BASIC". There was no need for that comment.

Edited by - iwasbiggs on 3/31/00 9:10:21 PM

Edited by - iwasbiggs on 4/1/00 10:05:19 PM
Wow, this thread is in a downward spiral.

I don''t consider myself anything but me . Sure, everyone does what they like to do, and nobody should try to change their interests just to meet someone. If you veer from your natural path of life in trying to meet someone, you most likely are not going to meet whom you would like to meet. Now, I am a male in high school and only have one very close friend. I have no problem with this, (although some do). I am not some suicidal anti-social maniac because of this fact. I suppose the point I am trying to make is you will get nowhere in life if you be someone whom you are not, and stereotype yourself, as this leads to the degredation of your self-confidence.

I guess there is light at the end of my tunnel. then again im only 16. besides i live in a hic town with a pop. of about 4000. 1/3 of the girls in my grade go drinking every weekend. if i ever get a girlfriend, i hope to get one that takes interest in what i do. but in order to ''get'' someone like that, i should be like that myself, right?

- Moe -

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