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Do Nerds get Girls???

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86 comments, last by MuffinKnight 24 years, 3 months ago
Maybe we should start a Gamedev nerd dating service.
lol thats great blksabb
No, not every one that uses a computer is a nerd; no, not everyone who is intelligent is a nerd. But most nerds are intelligent and use computers. Almost everyone at my work uses computers-most of them are not nerdy. (they may be morons, but not nerds) But then in the IS department, the programmers and such, are almost *all* nerds. (or at least were when they were younger). If you don''t think that you are a nerd, then don''t reply to a thread about nerds. If you love to program (like most people who come to this site) are you at least a little nerdy? I''d have to say that you probably are.

just my 2 cents.

Oh, there it is! The wiseman has spoken! Lets all listen to bcj and learn the fundamentals of life...

... when hell freezes over, of course.

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Your not a nerd if you like computers...your a nerd if you like Apple Computers.

:: It's a Box! ::
[I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be]
I dont think theres such a thing as a Nerd
A individual classifies others as nerds so they can help identify them
There is lots of others also

The list realy goes on.. and on..
We use these classifications to more or less help arrang the people we know for conversation perposes
"I saw this mega dweeb today waring a Stripped clip on bow tie hit on a attractive female."

The government is planning on including this in public survays along with

And then Social Classification

In a Cencus form if it turns out most people fill there Social Classification out as a Dweeb.
More funding will be given to Banjoe and Accordian Education in culture. and possibly errect a special day.

If the general populous turns out to be geeks. Studens will gain benefits for Free stridex pads and Suspenders will replace the national Suit and Tie of most buisnesses.

Through out history people have been in search for the answeres to who they are and what there Purpose in life is. In australia the walk about is away to figure out just this.
However do to advances in technology scientists have been able to accuratly tell exactly who you are and give your general purpose in life.
Hear are some examples

If you Use a computer and have taped up glasses
You are a Nerd
Your purpose is to throw up infront of pritty girls and to invent new technologys to prevent hair loss

If you pick your nose and then begine to eat it
You are a Geak
Your purpose in life is to provide others with the comfort they can be worse off.

If you have ever warn a Hat with a helecopter type blade on top and still at age of 20 or higher are still suffering from a cracked voice
You are a Dweeb
Your Purpose in life is to one day break your voice and act grow chest hair befor your arm pit hair reaches your elbows

If you stair continualy at light balbs and are fasinated by cars
You could be a Nim-Rod
Your goal in life is to finaly figure out how to turn the light balb on and off.. Once done the door knob princable is close at hand.

This is just some of the work Nasa Scientists have been working on lately
I hope this clears things up a litle
I''ll take that Apple Remark on the chin buck-o

Hey Wozniak wears a hawian shirt everyday and my computer matches the colour scheme of my room...im not a nerd

I am a nerd. I use computers. I don''t have a girlfriend.

Seriously I don''t have a girlfriend because I can''t talk to people (nervousness)... And the girls I do become friends with only want to stay friends because I''m nice, or I listen or whatever (different reasons)... But also i''m not good looking, I don''t drive, I don''t have money, and I sit on the computer all day... Is there any girls that like guys to be like that? No, so in a sense nerds don''t get girls, and if you got a good girlfriend, then you''re probably not a real nerd :-) So that anonymous poster was right, real nerds don''t get girls. In my opinon nerds are guys that are so into their computers, that they use them all the time every day of their life... And/or are usually pretty smart.

Okay so you may say you don''t need any of the above things to get a girlfriend, which is true, but not having those things (that I don''t have) makes it alot harder to meet girls...

Okay enough of that crap, now back to the real love of my life, my computer!


Keith Alan Weatherby II
*************************************Keith Weatherby IIhttp://twitter.com/Uhfgoodhttp://www.facebook.com/Uhfgoodhttp://www.youtube.com/Uhfgoodhttp://www.gamesafoot.comhttp://indieflux.com*************************************
Naw, come on =), Anyone can get chicks, here is little tip and it works: Sleap you hair to cool position, then drink enough that you are self-confident, but if you don''t have experiences with alchohol don''t use too much or you''ll blow it(Umm, you can start with coke if you aren''t sure enough, then move to cider/beer, try avoid spirits, because too much makes you, umm, undesireable). Now, try to find places where are people in your age and make sure that there aren''t too much people who knows you . Now make sure that you are confident, boost your confidence if it starts to go too low with beer or little snap. I prefer cider, because it affects longer. Now if it is disco, Just go to the dance floor, start dancing, alone. When you have jumped over bigger thresholds like, moving your hands, arms and legs with the tempo of the music. Now, dance until DJ hits slow to the deck, now, look for the best girl(Well, I''m sure that you''ll look for her all the time), when you have found her, make sure that she doesn''t have company other than her girlfriends. Now it''s your time, just do it, ask her nicely if she would dance with you, if she doesn''t want to, don''t be shy, just go for next one or one of her girlfriends. Now you are into it, You are closer girl than ever(exept your sister and mother, and perhaps granny) after you are finished, offer drink to her(What she wants, don''t be stingy, If she wants $30 drink, just buy it if she is worth it), She''ll accept. Now you are trying to have small talk, forget computers, your comp language, be yourself(well, forget those damn computers), think what might interess her, now get along, do this as many times as it leads to something. This is also easy way to get sex and try new ways to do -it-(like doggie style). You can boost the effect adding stupid accent, but it works only for one-night relationships. Just be careful, if you drink too much you may find your self with ugly monster who looks your first RPG monster. Also, why I''m saying that be alone, not with friends, because they usually just make you even more shy. Also sometimes friends are saying something about your dance skills. Also if you haven''t used alcohol before, train couple of times, it doesn''t hurt you as long as you keep your memory, If you lose it, bad thing, you may forget one of DirectX methods and you are easy target for 2 meter long lesbian (Hint! Hint! she may rape you) with moustache. Now when you have girl(s) don''t take whole computer issue at time. Tell it little by little how much you use them and what do you do with them. If you are fat, try girls that are in the same "shape" with you, but don''t let it embarrass you. Also, I suggest you to grow porn-beard(Black thingie on your chin, under yor mouth, anyway.) Also be yourself, don''t be moron. Also, not all girls like macho types and not every girl want you to be porn-star(well, not many). Don''t forget condoms and leave your heart-figured boxers home. Try be different and hit when you have change. It is wishful thinking that you just sit in the corner of disco and wait for good-looking girl to get you dance. Also try avoid distribution boxes, because they usually bear venereal diseases. Also girls work little bit like computers, you have to tell things twice, and if they don''t get it they''ll crash. There is one girl-type who likes nerd wannabees. If you tell jokes, tell good jokes that are easy to get, not any easter eggs from starwars or computer related jokes. Here is 3 things what they like, big gun, good jokes, mucho money. Those will work after first contact =) These will work, I have used them..

Time comes, time goes and I only am.
Hahaha, don''t use alcohal! LOL That''s the WORST thing to do!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!

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