
Do Nerds get Girls???

Started by March 24, 2000 02:36 PM
86 comments, last by MuffinKnight 24 years, 5 months ago
Just the very image of pretentiousness and bimboishness... eugh... I hate pretentious people. I am a loony and freely admit it=)


About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
The key is to just get yourself into a position where you feel comfortable (and no, not that type of position, morons) and then to act naturally. This is the same for same-sex or opposite-sex friends. If you act like you think you need to in order to fit in, then people woill think that youre weird, which causes more tension and causes you to act a bit weirder(if thats a word)

Me, im a bit rough around the edges, some people like it, some dont...will i change my personality so i can make people like me? No. If i did, i wouldnt like macs anymore, imagine what that would be like. But i still manage to have a good circle of friends, and thats all thats important, socially.

I howl at the moon at times , damn it feels good.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.

(I don''t know how to do the seperators and all...could someone help me w/ that?)

Anyhow...I''d like to say...
Oh, crap...I''m NEVER got get rid of those jocks! Hrm...well...I DO have that rocket launcher in my backpack...(kidding! Please don''t send the culture-police after me!)

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
Why do I get the impression that some schools out there are just crazy?

In my school we don''t have any problems with each other... everyone gets along fine, though naturally people have their own groups. Most of the time I hang around with the same people but on occasion I''ll also talk to people from other "groups". Is our school an exception to the case, am I naive, or am I just mistaken?

Firahs: you''re point about acting like you think you should to fit in is SO true... I detest people who pretend to be what they aren''t... I find it irritating and disconcerting.
This is what I was talking about pretentiousness.


About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
I''ve already put up a post on this thread, but this one doesn''t involve me. A lot of people here are right. If you sit in front of the computer 24/6(gotta sleep y''know), you''re not going to go out and get to know anybody. If you''re happier this way, then don''t bother reading this thread, but those who just sit and do "nothing"(I don''t consider programming and gaming nothing), then you have to face the facts, you''re not going to "get" anything. Whether it''s a girl or, mentioned earlier in this thread, a dog. So, if you want a relationship, pull yourself away from your monitor and go out there and talk to people.

Before you go out and do anything, I must mention that I am being a hypocrite. I want a relationship but barely even make contact w/the opposite sex. And when I do, they''re already taken. .

Good luck to you all!

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London

"It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off"
-Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Oh, btw... going out on friday nights to the local pub/bar or to a party is a great way of "getting" (I don''t like that expression much) girls, however don''t drink too much... I''ve had a bad experience with this (some people might consider it good... depends on your oppinnion).

Just remember alchohol doesn''t help, mmmkay.


About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
At my school, most of the people get along, also. Of course...the goths make noise amongst themselves about killing all the preps, and the preps make noise amongst everybody about how much they hate everybody else as well as themselves, etc. My only problem with jocks is that almost every single jock I''ve ever met was an asshole. In my Senior Math class (Algebra III & Trig...not enough trig), my friend, Ricky, and I are the smartest people in the class...and everyone else is a jock. The jocks spend the whole time talking about football and just farting around, thinking that they''re being cool. And whenever me and Ricky answer a question, or they look on one of our tests and find out we got a 100, they try to make fun of us. Of course...they''re not men enough to actually make fun of us to our faces, they kinda whisper it to each other, but we can hear it. We never did anything to them, and they treat us like crap. That''s how almost all jocks have always been.

Yes, there are a couple exceptions...some of my favorite friends (in my Honors classes!) are sorta jocks...although not really. And, of course...the real jocks (the ones I hate) probably have a reason why they make fun of us in whispers. My theory is that they''re afraid of see...compared to and my friend are gods, and they know it. And, yes, I am a bit megalomaniac...and deeper down...quite insane.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."

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