
Do Nerds get Girls???

Started by March 24, 2000 02:36 PM
86 comments, last by MuffinKnight 24 years, 5 months ago
Can we have the exact textbook definition of a nerd, please?

I''m not sure whether I qualify :-)
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
Whoa... you''re asking a bit much there... the text-book definition of the nerd is the second greatest mystery ever... the first being the meaning of life...



About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
i like to consider myself a 1337~hax0r, just because all the nerd i know are wannabe nerds and i dont want to get embarrassed.

Man, that was a sad story. Sometimes it even seems like yer only friends are the guys that read these message boards and reply. in a sense, i feel this way about everybody on a message board. in fact, i think i''ll start a thread about that. but regarding the suicide thing, i can bet most of us felt/feels pretty suicidal for some situation or another, which is probably all common to all of us, but on different levels of magnitude.

i can only tell you my experiences and my thoughts. no more. i can tell you that i''ve lived a life as a loner in school, no dates, no dances, no friends, (except one, who i talked about computers all the time, but he went to another school), i fell into depression, (not extreme though) i got angry at myself, but being in front of a computer desensitized any of these feelings, it helped me focus on productivity. i just lived a life of a computer game player, and artist. it occupied me. ideas occupied me. and the thought of success occupied me. the first years of college just started getting wild. i had a brand new clean slate, studied my ass off, thinking of success still, then a girl approaches me about a study group. i studied with them, cuz i knew i wouldn''t survive that class without a study group. this was my first "real" experience with socializing, and i don''t regret it, even though i thought the socializing was a "waste of time." i began to realize the importance of people/friends, whether or not they are smarter or better than you. well, it turned out the girl who asked me to the study group really liked me, and then drama (triangle) with another girl in the group, but all i wanted was to be alone so i can be productive, and animate, and play computer games. goddam drama, sometimes i don''t even think this is worth it. i began to get to know girls better, and just understand people, and the value of them. i fell in love with the girl that asked me to the study group. went out for a year or so, but over time, we realized, "yeah, opposites attract, but i don''t think we were even in the same magnetic field." it''s an experience, an exploration. but now, we''re broken up, and i''m alone again, and i couldn''t have felt any better. not that i''m saying i regretted the relationship, but i realized how much you can do when you''re NOT in one. look at all the stuff you guys (that means girls too) are doing with this programming crap. half of you are hoping to make it big with a game programming deal, and if it doesn''t work, well you have experience, an edge, in programming over anybody else, cuz you tried.

what does this all have to do with girls? well, part of it was mentioned, about the goal orientation. i can''t tell anybody what a girl wants, because it varies, and to enumerate what a girl likes in a guy is to say that they can only choose a number one or a number three with or without cheese. come on, these are people, everyone''s different, it''s just an experience. and yes, i kinda believe in fate too, where it will happen. not necessarily when you least expect it, but in the sense, that it will be your human nature to act when it''s your time. i don''t know, like i said, this is only me, and me alone talking. what i mean by fate is, perhaps you will take actions that will lead to getting with guys/girls. something in you will activate your drive. if you really feel strongly about someone, trust me, you''ll do stupid, unorthodox, unreasonable things to get what you want. like right now, i''m just attempting to contact my high school crush, cuz i didn''t have the guts back then to do anything. who knows whats gonna happen, but all i know is i''ve spent a lot of my time animating, coding, and playing computer games, and i just tried to grab all the good aspects that i can from it, just to remain focused on the primary goal: success. and with success, any girl would want to be with you because nobody would want to be with a loser. the success means prosperity and stability. (that''s where the money thing comes in, but this does not at all whatsoever suggest that you should make money for your girl to spend on, and therefore she will like you. no, that''s not it.) it''s success, prosperity, stability. and if it was meant to be, the girl would be thinking the same thing, "how would this become successful?"

oh please, somebody disagree with me because i''m sure my logic is flawed somewhere here. either that, or i just don''t know what the hell i''m talking about, or didn''t go deep enough. god, i should right a book or something. anyway, i''d be able to write lots more in a more coherent form, but this is only a message board.

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
quote: Original post by David Herod

Can we have the exact textbook definition of a nerd, please?

I''m not sure whether I qualify :-)

Hate to be wrong, but "Nerd" wasn''t in the dictionary. =)
so I guess a nerd is just some dumb slang not worthy of definition. =)

I checked in the Webster''s New Collegiate Dictionary printed 22 years ago. It''s huge. I also checked in a newer one off the shelf of the super market, but it was more of a quick reference but still to no avail.


An intellectual with computer skills significantly better than the average computer user."

That''s my definition at least....

As for all of you who don''t get girls, here''s some advice.

1. Dare to be "cool".

2. Be nice to the women, don''t suddenly go brain dead around them, and treat them with respect.

Contrary to what some of you may believe, girls aren''t all trying to size you up and see if you''re as good and cool as Brad Pitt, or Tom Cruise (these are American movie Stars, for those of you who don''t know).
Many of will be content with just having you for a friend. And I think that the best relationships start out from "just being friends." The dating and romance should come later.

I think I just released a great deal of my wisdom regarding women. Excuse me while I spend the next few months attempting to find the meaning of life.

(Heh heh :-)

- DarkMage139
- DarkMage139
I would just like to say thankyou to some of the people who have followed thiis topic. On Friday I gave a talk in front of my entire year group AND i didn''t go red or feel at all embaressed. I followed the advice I was given - concentrate, practise, listen to your self. All of these things worked, and I even noticed that when you make eye contact with someone who is listening, they immeadiately look away, as if it is them that is embarressed.

I still have a very long way to go, but for you people who don''t see what the big deal is, this is a *very* big deal to me. I never used to be able to answer questions in class ''cause I was paranoid people would laugh at me, but then I realised, I am not really that different than them. The next step will be to get another haircut. I have had this same shitty haircut for the last 5 or so years, so I will get something that suits me for a change. As to the other *hair* on my body - Why should I care? If anybody comments, I will just comment on them being gay.]

Thanks guys, you have really helped me in ways you could not imagine...

A *slightly less* sadder boy.
"i can't tell anybody what a girl wants,"


ask christina aguilera...


About time I put something funny here? I think so too...

Edited by - J2xC on 4/9/00 6:01:30 PM
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
Damn... forgot I just killed that stupid bimbo...


Just because I''m an insane psychopath doesn''t make me worse as a person... Or does it?
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
Only if you''re politically incorrect. (HA HA HA )


Seriously, what do you hate about her?

- DarkMage139
- DarkMage139

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