
Sweden VS......:)

Started by March 20, 2000 08:24 AM
74 comments, last by Jewelaye 24 years, 6 months ago
Stereotypes, huh? In my school a stereotype for a swedish man is simple - a gay. Swedish woman''s stereotype is - huge boobs, blonde hair, awesome in all ways. Of course, that''s just a joke And no offence of course.
I hate my last name - Holmstedt for that reason: It''s swedish and I keep hearing those gay-things all the time, but I don''t care and they stop it.
OMG swedish language is really hard! I can''t understand anything of it. Just had and exam of it, and not too great
Hmm, can u guess what swedish ppl. call ppl. from finland? ;-)

and why would we be gay?

=======================Game project(s)
I''d be curious as to why Swedish people would be called gay too. I have to admit that many Americans (unfortunately) lump Norway, Sweden and Finland into "Scandanavia" and I don''t think that I''ve ever known anyone who would think "gay" when they think "Scandanavia". Of course, maybe that''s because I live in Minnesota where there are so many people of Norwegian and Swedish descent. I have a friend that was born in Belgium, is considered Finnish (but only speaks Swedish fluently), his mom is Swedish, his dad is Finnish and his brother is Swedish. And there was no adoptions or divorces in his family.

It seems I am the only full-blood norwegian here

I don''t know if you''ve noticed, but it seems to me that norwegians are extremely interested in what people from other parts of the world think about us. Especially if it''s positive. We just love hearing nice things about our country and ourselves. I don''t know how many times I''ve seen norwegian sports-reporters getting an interview with a famous athlete just to ask him ''What do you think about Norway?'', ''How do you like it here in Norway?'', bladibladibla. Sometimes they don''t ask a single question about sports! Do your journalists do that too? I mean, Norway IS a great country to live in, but this is starting to get embarrassing.

I think someone mentioned that Norway HAD oil. I''m sure it was meant as a joke, but for the record: We still do, and we''ll keep it coming for many, many years

Thank god for the swedes. Half of our jokes would never have seen the light of day without them (No offense)
We don''t call them gay though, we just laugh at them...
We do have some finnish jokes too, mostly about a guy called Pekka What about Iceland. Is no one making jokes about them?

Oh my god I''m ranting. Better stop before I step on someones toes.

Ah! Damn norweigans! Poluting the world with your damned oil! Screw you!

"I think, therefore I am...I think"
Fellow Scandinavians,
I just realized this is a total waste of time..why keep struggling agasint each other when we could all join up and beat the crap out of those ignorant people from USA

(This is not to be taken seriously, doh)

"I think, therefore I am...I think"
I think the conflict between the Finns and the Swedes is similar to the conflict between rural areas and cities in the US. The Finns say Swedish men are gay and the Swedes call the Finns hillbillies/rednecks/alcoholics.

quote: Original post by Staffan

Ah! Damn norweigans! Poluting the world with your damned oil! Screw you!

"I think, therefore I am...I think"

Hmmmm harkel..............
No "¤#%#¤%&"

Ill be back for further check! ;p

Edited by - Jewelaye on 3/24/00 3:07:33 AM
> Hmmmm harkel..............
No "¤#%#¤%&"

What? Jeweleye...?

"I think, therefore I am...I think"
This seems to be a good thread to talk about crap and nothing, so here we go...

Considering Ericsson...can we say Bluetooth? Talk about hype!

No offense to finnish people (in fact I live with one, when I got to school in Stockholm) but your language is odd...why?

About Sweden being all great and that, EU is the worst invention since the a-bomb. It''s a damn dictatorship with those EU-people deciding how much alcohol we can take in through customs, letting companies send spam email FULLY LEGALLY and so on...EU is nothing but some dictator-wannabies that is slowly taking over this country, no one seems to realize it. EU is not making anything better, it''s making it all worse, until that day when nothing is left of good old Sweden, when everything is decided in the EU headquarters. Now, they want us to give up our currency (SEK) for some damn european crap.
May God show mercy upon them, for they shall be punished for their deeds when THE DAY comes...I hope

Oh, and please spare us the "Schlager-SM", the swedish melody festival, because no one under 25 listens to this kind of music (IMHO crap). When this started, this music was the national music, but it''s certainly not anymore.

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown

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